Calgary apartments

Tons of people I know have been moving out of Newfoundland, and even out of Ontario to move out west. More specifically they’re looking for Calgary apartments for rent.  I do understand the need for the move. My Brother just took a job in Alberta on the rigs to help out his family back home. Plus, the cost of living is much less expensive than where I live in South Western Ontario.

I bet it’s going to be incredibly chilly come the winter time in Calgary. I’ve heard it gets worse than Ontario’s nose-hair freezing cold.

Have you ever been to Calgary during the colder months? Actually, in fact I haven’t even been to Calgary at all, during any time of year. When my Boyfriend does his Ironman Triathlons we usually fly into British Columbia and then explore Alberta there after, we’ve went to Jasper, Edmonton and Banff. We’ve never made it as far as Calgary, but I know people who live there and perhaps in 2012 we’ll make it down to the city.

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  1. You’re writing a blog post about #yyc and didn’t even contact me! I don’t feel like it’s cheaper to live here, rent is redic. AND it’s supposed to be +10 this week thank you :)

  2. Banff is much colder than Calgary. the thing here that sucks is that one day, in the middle of winter, it’ll be +10 and the next day, it’s -15. it can be difficult to handle.

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