How I Style…

This is an idea I’ve come up with by reading other fashion blogs and how they’ve styled what they’ve been wearing over the past number of months.

I’ll be featuring this each Tuesday, until I run out of ideas. So far I’ve got a ton of cardigans, and blazer. Perhaps I’ll do how I style scarves as well. But I don’t wear them often! We’ll see how everyone likes it hey?

Alright. How I style: Yellow Cardigans. Coming right up! I picked up this cardigan for $12.00 at Joe Fresh. That’s a clothing line that Canadians can get at the grocery store, or Loblaws as we know it as now. It’s really great quality, hasn’t pilled up and doesn’t wrinkle easy. Can’t say that about my Old Navy cardi’s!

You can click the image below to enlarge it. I love how tan and pale I am in the photos. It’s funny how different one person can look all throughout a span of a few months. These are in no particular order, I’ve just grabbed the images from my OOTWW posts that I put on here each Friday.

I think I like wearing my yellow cardigan with white, and grey.

How would you style this cardigan? Remember, these outfits are just the ones that I wear to work – I have worn this yellow cardigan with jeans, but I haven’t posted my weekend outfits … ever.

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