The new way to crimp!

It’s going to take a bit of practice for me to figure out how to use the 3 barrel waving iron I got from Flat Iron Experts. I first saw this interesting mechanism that resembled an old school crimping iron, on a YouTube video a year or so ago. But waves! Waves are so much better than eighties crimped hair, right? Though, I’m pretty gimpy when it comes to my hair and styling it. The only way I can make it look nice, is if I blow dry it straight with a boar bristle brush.

I’ve been growing out my hair since what seems like 2005. I don’t go into get my hair trimmed every 8-10 weeks, but now 10-12 weeks. I’m seeing a lot of growth happening. Finally. Once my hair gets down to mid-upper-arm (does that make sense?) it’ll be so fun to play around with hair styles. Like using the waving iron, a curling iron or even do some curls with the regular straightener.

But for now, I give you my best effort and this is how the 3 barrel wave iron looks like when I style it on myself.

This is NOT finished. I took a photo half way through. I just had the top layer to yet style. But so far, so good? The right hand side is complete.

A sneak peak of the side view.

I’ve seen girls with long hair, whether they have extensions in — I’m not sure. But people have made this gorgeous hair style with the waving iron.Almost like loose beachy waves have been achieved. Check out this image I’ve found on Pinterest, where the girl said she used a 3 barrel waving iron.


Pretty, right? Hers definitely looks better than mine did when I finished. I think it’s because of the length of my hair. It makes it shorten up, obviously. Which makes it more poofy. 

If you’re interested in purchasing it, cconveniently enough it’s on sale for $99.00 here.

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  1. I bought one of those crimpers and then returned it. It didn’t work on my hair at all and it made me look like a had a really bad frizzy perm. Maybe it was the user?? ha!

  2. I have one of those! I personally don’t like it because it makes my hair wayyy too poofy and odd looking. Have you tried the bumble&bumble surf spray? If not, let your hair air dry and then use that for a similar effect :)

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