Alfie’s new coat

It was pretty relaxing in our household this weekend in our household. On Saturday I got my hair cut and followed my awesome hair stylist to his brand new place (he just worked for a salon before).

I like that he doesn’t’ want to make a fortune off of me since he tells me not to color it, not to cut too much off and just trim, for now. Layers don’t work in my hair, it’s too fine and sparse on the ends. However, his prices did raise $10 more now that he’s moved out on his own. How does that work? I followed him to his new place. Gimmie yo discounts for being loyal!

Last week Alfie got a new jacket from Canada Pooch but it wasn’t chilly enough yet to wear it outdoors. It was such a mild week. I ended up taking photos the very day I got it.

He actually didn’t seem to mind it on, and I couldn’t stop laughing at him with it on. He was just so itty bitty and super adorable with it on!

Yesterday was a bitter cold day, yet the sun was shining, so we took Alfie for a walk to test out this warm jacket of his.

Most of the time when we were trying to take some decent shots of him he kept rubbing his face on the snow. He usually does that on hard and rough surfaces, but I think the hood was bothering him, even though it was buttoned back.

Like this one.And this one. He’s huffing in this photo, ready to bark!

Alfie is a fast little fella and loves out running me. Here we were racing back to Scott, our photographer extraordinaire for the day.

I totally tired him out, and not the other way around ;)

Whewf, see? Toldja!

Time to go inside poocharoo. I like picking him up to walk him home because the salt on some areas of parking lot is bad for his paws.

I think he looks like a little Santa with his jacket on, super cute. Well fitted and thick too.

Psst , if you’re interested you can buy your own Canada Pooch jacket here.

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  1. I guess the $10 increase is because he has to pay rent {for his salon} and new appliances and stuff.

    Awww, Alfie is so cute in his new jacket! Sadly, we haven’t been taking Pepper out for many walks these days. It’s always -30 out and boxers can’t handle extreme temps. There’s a nice bit of snow down too…which makes his paws bleed :( Whenever we take him for a walk now, it’s only for 10 minutes or so. Any more than that, he’s shaking :(

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