The hunt for my leather jacket: ended!

A number of years ago I remember going out to the bar with the boyfriend and meeting up with some of his friends. One of his friends girlfriends had this beautiful brown leather jacket. I fell in love with it so much I was tempted to just buy it right off her back. But, seeing as I had just met these people just hours ago I didn’t think it was appropriate to even joke about buying the jacket off of her. I don’t quite remember if the jacket was real or faux leather, and I really don’t remember what it looked like as it was more than 5 years ago now.

But for the past few of years I’ve always kept an eye out at the local Danier Leather stores, trying on random jackets. Why are black jackets more popular than brown? I couldn’t stand trying on the black ones. They just weren’t me. Danier leather jackets also never ended up fitting me the way I wanted it to. I wanted it to hit a certain way on my hips and I wanted it to be tailored in at the sides. A lot of the real leather jackets I tried on, looked very boxy on me. Despite what the sales associate tried to tell me otherwise. Girlfraaan, I know what looks good on me, okay?

I never seriously looked at jackets and just waited patiently for something to catch my eye when I was in a store. Any store. It didn’t even have to be real leather.

Ideally, I would love to own this All Saints Legacy jacket. As soon as I saw it, I loved it. I e-mailed the link to myself wishing for a sale. It’s $550. Oh my word, I don’t think I want one that badly. Slowly but surely my size in the jacket was selling out and I just have this pretty image to now stare at.

On my lunch break one day at work I went solo to the mall and for some reason I went into a store I wouldn’t look twice at. I think they had some cute sweaters on the mannequin. From the corner of my eye I spotted some distressed looking faux leather jacket!I wish the online version looked pretty to post. But instead I’ll link it, because I’ll post my own photos and make it look even bettah. I didn’t even bother to look at the price, I picked it up and tried it on. I must’ve been grinning like a fool because I knew this was the one I was going to get, and wear like nobodies business. It was $50.00 at Suzy Shier and didn’t feel like cheap pleather at all. It was soft, subtle, tucked in at the right areas and was perfectly worn in.

Warmer weather is here, and I’m sporting this faux leather jacket in February. Insane right? Our winter has been messed right up, hah.

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1 Comment

  1. Love it! I have the same problem with Danier, they never seem to be fitted enough for me!
    I did the same search, after traveling around Italy and seeing EVERYONE in leather bomber jackets i looked everywhere for a fake or real one and then stumbled across one in The Bay and a year later, i still love it!
    Ps: the jacket looks WAY better on you then the model on the website, why would they pair it with that tunic??? Why??? LOL :)

    Nancy says: Oh man I know! That’s why I didn’t post it on the blog – it looks NOTHING like it does on the SuzySheir website. So ugly haha.

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