I’ve combined my week 3 and 4 since I went once last week and made up for it this week:
week 3 day one
15 Box jumps; 24/20″
12 Push press; 115/75lb
9 Toes-to-bar
I was mentally exhausted this entire week and went in one of the very last days of the week. I managed to pump out 5 full rounds in the 18 minute AMRAP. I scaled it a bit though and instead of the 20″ box jumps I did 16″ (it was a really full class and I didn’t feel like adding weight to the boxes to make it higher) and for the push press I did 45lbs. I think I should’ve went up to 50 or 55lbs since I could do 12 push presses in a row without taking a break. It was hard, but it was worth it!
week 4 day one
Ring Dip
Push Up

week 4 day two
Back Squat
This was a “warmup” and I stopped at my max back squat weight which was 85lbs. I tried to go for 95lbs twice and could only squat once. The second squat I flipped the weight off my shoulders when I was in squatting position.
3 Rounds (12 minute time limit)
400m Run
12 KB Thruster right hand only; 16/12kg (I used 8kg)
12 KB Thruster left hand only; 16/12kg (I used 8kg)
30 V-Sit (like a regular sit up but your legs go up with your arms)
Couldn’t complete the 3 full rounds. We were only given a 12 minute time limit. But I managed to get two FULL rounds. Which was good!!
During this WOD I ended up practicing my kips while we were paired up in 3’s doing the backsquats. Since I had some time I thought I’d try to do some without the band. I managed to kip out 3 kipping pullups MULTIPLE times in a row! WITHOUT THE BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That made my day so complete. I ended up running over to a few friends and even showing the coaches at the end of it. I can’t believe I can do 3 kips in a row now, that’s so insane to me! I love it. Maybe one day my Boyfriend and I will go to a local park and he can film me doing it haha.
[older crossfit journal entries]
1+ year??? You, my friend, are a superstar :)
Congrats on the kip pull-ups! I’m kind of scared to go back… as I’m the newbie. But at the same time, am looking forward to this Wednesday. Here is the WOD for that day:
Active Warm-up:
Back Squat
Run 100m
30 OHS
AMRAP in 15 minutes