year 1, week 8, day one
Bench Press 1RM
I got to 75lbs and couldn’t lift it. I tried twice and the second time I definitely couldn’t. I even let out a big ol’ F bomb that made everyone laugh when I was on the bench pushing the weight.
Weighted Pullups 8×2
I didn’t do weighted pullups becuse I required the band. We had to do these pullups strict. I used the black band.
9 Lat Twist
6 Clap Push Up
3 Burpee
We had to do the AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 5 minutes, and if we didn’t get five rounds we were penalized with 10 more burpees! Thankfully I was on my 6th round when the buzzer went off. A short, and sweet WOD for sure. Had me huffing and puffing trying to get my five rounds in though.
year 1, week 8, day two
For time:
Run 400 meters
21 Thruster; 95/65lbs (I used 50lbs)
21 Pull-ups
Run 300 meters
15 Thruster; 95/65lbs (I used 50lbs)
15 Pull-ups
Run 200 meters
9 Thruster; 95/65lbs (I used 50lbs)
9 Pull-ups
This was a “modified Fran” WOD. Our warmup was a 1km run. We had a 20 minute time limit for this WOD and I didn’t end up finishing it.
For thrusters I used 50lbs, and ended up being on my last round of 9 thrusters. I had completed 3 in total, and the buzzer went off. Brutal workout, but love those ones.