OOTWW + Birthday giveaway winners

Wow. This month of May has been a world-wind of blog posts. I’m going to slow down in June, maybe. I want to get back into regular blogging about fitness and food more. I’ve been eating “clean” (meaning no fast food for a while, and more veggies. Even though I kinda want to dig into all of the sharis berries 30 birthday gifts lol) for the past few weeks and I feel great.Time to incorporate that into my blog. Similar to what I did this week with mostly food posts for the Wordless Wednesday post? Did you like that?

I’ve also found a new self tanner that I’ve been loving more so than my expensive bottle of St. Tropez. I’ve gotten a request to do a video about it. But I’m more comfortable writing blog posts than I am filming myself on video.

Please read my previous blog post and help out in any way if you can: Up Side Down Charity Golf Tournament on June 12, in Baden Ontario.

Until then, I’ll leave you with my OOTWW. I unintentionally wore a lot of white this week. Can you believe that this is my 89th outfit of the work week post!? Holy cripes.Enjoy your weekend. I’ll be blogging about my CrossFit workouts that I did this week, coming up on Monday. Guess how many times I went! :)

p.s: Did everyone who won prizes from my Birthday Giveaway, receive their prizes? If not, please let me know!

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  1. Did you get some Sharis Berries? I got my mom some for mother’s day and she LOVED them. I’ve never had any myself. Love your Wednesday outfit! Wanted to ask – do you have self tanner on your face? I am always scared to put it on there…

    Nancy says: Yes! I put self-tanner on my face. It’s soo scary the first night I apply it with the “base tan/tan guard” or whatever it’s called. But once it’s washed off the next morning it’s all good.

  2. I’m such a sucker for blue. =] Loved wedneday as well, but all outfits are amazing. You look gorgeous in every single one of them.

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