My CrossFit Journal (Year 1, week 19)


year 1, week 19, day one

8 Rounds

200m Run
11 KB Burpee-Thrusters (24/16) ( I used 12kg)

We had a 25 minute (If I remember correctly) time limit and I was on my last 200m run when the buzzer went off. I didn’t get to complete my 11 more KB Burpees. I love these kind of workouts where you’re trying to beat the clock. It was rough!

I told my coach that my cheeks (on my face) were sweating. That’s never happened before! Then again I don’t think I’ve ever worked out in 36ºC humid weather before.

I ended up rubbing my knee raw on the burpees as I did the pushup part of it on my knees, since I had to hold the KB with my hands and touch my chest off it. Rather than doing the regular pushups. Hard!!


year 1, week 19, day two

Snatch Balance


Cleans; 135/95lbs  (I used 55lbs)
Ring Dips

This workout had me sweating just like the previous day. So mental. Look at that back sweat.

I know there was a time limit on the “Elizabeth” WOD. It might have been 15 minutes.


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