I’m forever changing up my routine with working out.
Sometimes I need a break from CrossFit. Last week I didn’t go at all. Now this week I’m going to the local YMCA with my co-worker. I’m not planning on having two “gym” memberships because CrossFit is running at about $100/month so adding onto that seems a bit excessive right now. I grabbed a free two week pass on the Y’s website and off I went to Yoga last night for the first time in a few years, I’ve done it a handful of times in the past but didn’t really enjoy it.
I’m planning to go back a lot during these next two weeks. But I’m not interested in paying $60/month to attend the YMCA. I think the reason I enjoyed it so much yesterday, was because the instructor kept telling us basic, intermediate and advanced moves. Then walking around the class to fix the moves. I also enjoyed it because I felt stronger and could do more intermediate things. For instance, from the downward dog into the plank position and down into a pushup with your elbows tucked into the ribs. But not have your body touching. I felt strong!
I really wanted to do this tree (?) pose. I remember doing that in a few other classes before.
We also did a few different Warrior poses. I felt it was a bit difficult to keep my hips open. It definitely worked my butt, and hamstrings to keep my leg straight. You betcha my legs were quivering by the end of the pose.
I’m not sore anywhere yet. I usually get DOMS (Delayed onset muscle soreness), so I’m wondering if/how sore I’ll be tomorrow. My triceps feel like I’ve done something different. That’s a good sign…
I’m now looking into Yoga classes around my area that aren’t $10/class. I think I’m hooked, and maybe I can incorporate it into a morning routine. Because going to CrossFit in the morning is so out of the question. Going that hard, that early when I’m already not a morning person? Nuh uh.
Do you go to Yoga? How often?
I did yoga many years ago when we had a teacher come to our school, but I haven’t in a long time. I always say I’m going to try a class thinking it will help my running not to be so tight, but no such class yet!
I don’t do yoga regularly, but did a couple years ago. I took some classes offered by our parks and recreation department. It was “active” yoga which I found to be really engaging and strenuous…not just laying on the floor stretching and breathing, which is nice, but not giving me much in the way of sweating. Like I said I haven’t been in awhile, but I think it’d be a nice addition to my routine!
Nancy says: I can’t get over how many different types of yoga there ARE!
I’m really beginning to enjoy Yoga :-) I started going on Sunday mornings a few months ago and it’s really growing on me. I wish there were more classes in the week at the place I go to. They’re really good though, and also spot us on posture and make adjustments. I had a day off today so I went to the class this morning and it was such a lovely way to wake up. It’s way too late to incorporate into doing before work sadly. It’s stopping me waking up past noon on Sundays at the moment though, which is great (I get fatigue and sleep SO MUCH!). Overall, I just notice I feel so much more relaxed and balanced throughout the day. The breathing exercises are great. I’m not sure what I’ll do when my membership runs out, but maybe a Yoga DVD or something. I do find having the classes disciplines me and makes me do it at a regular time though … so, something to think about!
Nancy says: I’m loving yoga a lot too. I like how it opens up my hips and allows for a good stretch. I feel so awesome afterwards. I think I’m going to use up my 2wk membership, then go to YouTube for the free videos :)