While I was in Newfoundland, my best bud Trev and Sandra, my sister-in-law went to one of the two malls in St. John’s to do a bit of shopping. I didn’t realize Sport Chek had completely took over one entire section of the bottom level!
Since I had a gift card to spend and we had about an hour to burn before picking my nephews up at school, we had a ton of fun taking photos of one another playing dress up.
Winter hats anyone? Trevor ended up buying the orange version of the hat he was wearing in this picture!
I love just being silly like this with Sandra and Trevor. We were laughing constantly! So very much needed. I loved being home.
Sandra and I both loved this one coat, but it was a little out of our budget. But soo toasty warm. I couldn’t justify buying a white coat, I’m so clumsy and I’d probably get it so dirty. Dirty white coats aren’t the prettiest. lol
This grey one was my absolute favorite and it’s by FireFly no less. I kept going back to it, even when I tried it on again in Ontario!
See? I just love it. Plus it’s super long, so that the wind doesn’t drift up your back on those cold winter days. B-double-uh-rrr… Brrr.
One thing that impressed me, and completely took me by surprise, was that Sport Chek now sells climbing gear. When did that happen?!
Gri Gri’s, harnesses, and rope bags!
Plus, these cute little s-biners for your chalk bag or to use on a key chain. Aren’t they adorable?
You may recall that Sport Chek sent me an inspirational kit, including a new set of Zoot sneakers. Which unfortunately ended up being a smidge too small. I think they’re a small make to be honest! I’m always an 8.5 but my toes were squished up at the front. When the Boyf and I got back from Newfoundland we made the trip to the only place in our area that sold Zoot sneakers at Sport Check: Toronto. Luckily, we had more things to do in Toronto that day than just return the sneakers and drive back all the way home.
Look how fancy the Sport Chek was in this area of Toronto!!
Trying on a variety of different sizes to see which ones I should exchange for.
I’m going to do a comparison post about these Zoot’s and the Nike Free’s, coming up this week. Stay tuned for that if you’re interested.
I didn’t spend my gift card at the first two Sport Cheks (St. John’s/Toronto locations) and it was burning a hole in my pocket! So this weekend the Boyf and I went to our local Sport Chek and again… had more fun trying on stuff. I’m easily amused, I’m tellin ya’.
My boyfriend tried on this massive winter coat from the men’s section, then thought it’d be funny if he took a photo of me wearing it. I look so tiny! Betcha I’d stay warm in that, all winter long. Haha!
I felt like the pilsbury dough boy in this down-filled one — hence the face I’m making.But now that I look at the photo, it kind of fits well…
I ended up buying some of my favorite sports bras. Nike makes a few different kinds of bras, but the dri-fit one’s are my main ones that I wear to CrossFit. They’re tight fitting, but don’t budge, if ya know what I mean. When the boyfriend was taking this shot of me, a sales associate came up right behind him saying to us both “Doing a little photo shoot?” I immediately turned a shade of purple and mumbled something. I should’ve told her about my blog, but I was so caught off guard that I got embarrassed.
I am part of the Sport Chek campaign called #MyBetterMVP / #MyBetter. Selected Canadian bloggers were sent an inspiration kit to help us reach our personal bests. Sport Chek has reached out to a lot of athletes in all sorts of areas of fitness. Everyone has all sorts of goals when it comes to being healthy and fit. I’m here to help people stay inspired and motivated.
Thanks Sport Chek!
How do you stay motivated?
Are you buying a new winter coat this year?
Not buying any more coats this year! I’m done spending haha.
And the short answer to motivation, is … I don’t, unless I switch up what I do regularly. The only sport I stay motivated in is climbing, and since it’s such a pain in the arse to get to walls these days, I don’t go regularly (they’re all an hour’s drive away – and I don’t have pals here to go regularly with, only sporadically, so the fuel costs are high. I don’t know what your walls charge per entry, but here it averages £8-10 a sesh. So it’s about £30 each time I want to go!). That, and boxercise. Boxercise keeps me interested because there’s so many activities and I typically see results in strength/body quite quickly. Climbing, well… you probably already know since you do it yourself! It’s the ultimate sport for personal bests, whether bouldering, top roping or leading (I’ve only ventured into tradding twice).
At the moment I’m just doing zumba, aqua zumba and yoga though. :)
Nancy says: Both in Newfoundland and here in Ontario the local climbing gyms let you volunteer and belay for birthday parties/events. So many hours = a free month membership. I was doing that for the longest time, and then stopped belaying, which resulted in me not going to the climbing gym to climb for the last few months. I think our drop in rates for just a day pass (as I have my own gear) is $15.00.
I need a new winter coat but cannot decide! Too many choices. And I have to buy online (as I live up North and do not have many options here). So, if I order the wrong size, it takes even longer to get a different one.
Motivation, what is that? I need some more. Can you pass some this way? However, I did just get an exercise bike for free today! Let’s see if I can put it to good use.
Insane Mamacita recently posted..Week Forty Two of Project Happy: A New Name
Yeah, that’s WITH my own kit – it’s pretty expensive here. The walls probably do have volunteers sometimes but as I’m not close to the wall anyway it’s probably not worth my while! Probably have to be CRB checked here too lol (to make sure we’re not peados – it’s like a cert you have to pay for)