My OOTWW is short and quick today. It’s 8:55am and I have to leave the house shortly to head into work. No Triple F Friday today, since no one submitted anything :( lol
Don’t forget to scroll back on older entries this week to enter into my Holiday Gift Guide Giveaways!
What Etsy shop did you get that scarf from? It’s so pretty! I need to amp up my work wardrobe now that I’m working in a bank and not schools. My boss keeps hinting I’m too casual!
Nancy says: I bought it at “Three Bird Nest”. Follow her on Twitter and FB too, because she ALWAYS has sales. She has the twelve (or maybe more?) days of Christmas if you sign up for her e-mails this month.
LOVE the color of that blue H&M shirt! I need more blue like that in my wardrobe – it’s so flattering!
I love Friday’s scarf too! You can definitely tell you’re dressing for Canadian winter, haha.
C Kitchenette recently posted..Gingersnaps with Orange Rind