Philosophy’s Micro Exfoliating Wash

Disclosure: I was sent this product for free. Opinions are my own.

  • 8oz $25 USD or $31 CDN
  • 16oz $37 USD or $46 CDN
  • 32oz $58 USD or $58 CDN

There’s only two skin care lines that I am truly faithful to, and will always re-purchase or try new things. One being Bobbi Brown and the other is Philosophy. You can see in my skin care routine that I’ve been religiously using some of those two names for a good while. Sure they’re both pretty pricey and you have to find them in speciality stores. But your skin is your biggest organ, and you darn well better take care of it.

I last reviewed the Philosophy micro exfoliating peel not too long ago, so I thought it would only seem fit that I now write about what I think of the micro exfoliating wash.

Here’s a quick run-down on what I think.


  • A little goes a long way.
  • My skin feels so smooth after using it.
  • Also removes makeup.
  • It’s very gentle and non-irritating on the skin.
  • You can use it on a daily basis.


  • The price tag. 
  • The bottle is a little too hard to squeeze out the product.
  • The smell isn’t the best (more clinical than fruity/fresh/or clean scented).

Does it work? As always I love to tell you all my honest opinion of a product. Whether I spent the money on it myself, or I received it for free to review. This product will now go hand-in-hand with my purity cleanser which is always on my counter top in a small travel sized bottle to wash my face morning and night. Instead, I’ll use the micro-exfoliating wash in the shower and leave it in there and use the purity when I need to take off my make up at night.

I use a dime sized amount on my damp face while I’m in the shower. I massage the clear salty-feeling product into my skin for 45-60 seconds, then rinse thoroughly.

I think it’s an all around great product. It’s a nice scrub, but I’d change the smell of it, but that wouldn’t stop me from going out an purchasing it with my own money. I won’t have to do that for a while, because this 8oz bottle I’m sure will last me 10 months or more, from the way I’m using it right now. I think I’ll have to put it in an easier squeeze tube as well, like I do with my purity cleanser.

What’s one of your “Holy Grail” beauty products?

Do you wash your face in the morning, or at night? Or both!

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  1. I love when you talk about these products because it is stuff I’d actually use (vs. some fancy dryer scent crystals or whatever!). How exactly do you get these things though? I need to try Philosophy’s cleanser because I have really sensitive skin, but also skin that needs plenty of attention bc it’s oily in places, combo in places, and acne prone. Just ugh!
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