Merry Christmas… TO YOU

Bet you weren’t expecting another giveaway to be happening this week, did you?

To be honest, I wasn’t expecting to do another one until a special little note from Beth came in the mail late last week. Beth is the one who hooked me up with some sweet tickets to that Tennis match in Toronto a few weekends ago.

When I opened the envelope, I truly thought the $100 Sport Chek gift card was for me — then I read the letter hahaha… it said it was for you guys, the readers here of my website. Because Sport Chek and I want you to celebrate the holidays as well, and especially to those who have taken the #MyBetter lead, working towards YOUR better every day.

I’ve decided to host the giveaway right before Christmas so you can still go out and purchase something either for yourself, or for a loved one.

HOW TO WIN the $100 Sport Chek gift card: This will not be a random draw like the one’s last week. I want you to think good and hard about what you’ve accomplished throughout 2012, whether it be fitness related or not. Write it in the comments and I’ll pick someone on Friday morning. Easy. Entries will not be counted after 7am EST Friday, December 7. Giveaway is only open to Canadians.

My accomplishments throughout 2012:

  • I kept up CrossFit (going on almost two years!).
  • I started playing soccer (and running “longer” distances) again.
  • The 50 Day push up challenge is still on-going. Day 34, just 16 more brutal days to go. Oof!
  • I’ve flown home twice this year, to visit my family and especially my nephews. I don’t want them to ever forget who I am (the cool aunt, haha!)
  • I organized (and designed the marketing pieces) a huge event at work by myself (this year, and last) with nearly 200 guests. It was like planning a wedding for a few months! So glad that’s over now. Stress be gone. (photos below!)

I think those are some pretty special accomplishments. :)

Good luck, and Happy Holidays!

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  1. I learned to exhale and meditate. I have written daily in my journalthree items I am grateful for. I have survived with a smile!

  2. Definitley my biggest accomplishment was starting a new job last December and making it through a whole year in a new position. My new employer completely trusted me and threw me head first into a major project after only one month in, and I’m glad to say I totally rocked it! I’ve learned so much about dealing with difficult personalities, negotiating and have a totally solid grasp on the technical knowledge required for my job. It’s always hard starting a new job and the new routines that go along with it, but I’m glad to say that this year I really gave my career my all and it paid off!

  3. My biggest accomplishment this year has been to really examine myself as a person, wife and friend, my ideals, and what the “whole point to life is” and strive to do more and be more. I have learned to let go of pre-conceived ideas I had and to allow the real me to shine through. Case and point: My husband and I have been vehemently childfree since we met 4 1/2 years ago. We really really have NOT wanted (biological) children. But lately, both of us have been getting a feeling like ‘something’s missing in our lives’. And that was the love of a little one. We both stretched ourselves and allowed this newfound revalation to shine through, and I’m happy to report that we are registered for an early January public adoption information session. W O W! Honestly, I can’t believe how much we have changed (and let ourselves change) to remotely consider this, let alone take the plunge!

    Along the same theme, I have started to spend more time on ME and less time giving everyone else a piece of my time, talent, and attention (which was leaving me and my marriage drained). I have pulled back from doing as much wedding photography as I’ve done in previous years and really put myself and my husband first. It’s a GREAT feeling.
    VLVL recently posted..Electrical and shingling done on the new house!My Profile

  4. At the beginning of 2012 I realized just how out of control my life had become. I had type 2 diabetes, high cholesteral and was obese.

    During the year I’ve managed to lose over 70lbs through eating healthy foods and riding my recumbant bike!


  5. My biggest accomplishment this year, would have to be trying new things and living life to the fullest. After losing my mother last year to cancer , I have started a bucket list of the things I want to do with my life..

  6. Awesome!!

    My accomplishments of 2012:

    – The BIGGEST accomplishment of 2012 is accepting (and not being afraid of) Failure! Failure, by far, is my biggest fear. I get very anxious about it and I cannot cope with failure AT ALL. This has been the case for my ENTIRE life and was becoming a HUGE problem. After taking a few steps in the right direction, I’ve learned that it’s OKAY to fail and years down the road, you might not even remember it! Accepting failure for what it is and not letting it get to me was the BEST thing I’ve ever done! I was always afraid to get a gym membership because I felt that I wouldn’t stick to the routine and never go (and get fatter, lol). Well, I don’t really stick the routine and I don’t go all of the time… but boy, when I do, I feel like a million bucks!

    One of my long held fears regarding failure was writing the Law Admissions Test. I want to become a lawyer, but was always terrified of failing the LSAT (most people do!). But this year, I did it! And TWICE! And you know what? I’m going to do it AGAIN and AGAIN until I succeed :)

  7. My biggest accomplishment this year was starting to drive again! Let me explain. For the past almost five years I have suffered from a sudden inner ear disorder which caused me to lose my job. I became so dizzy I have basically been housebound for the past few years and I’m only in my thirties! My life has been turned upside down by this illness. After numerous visits to specialists I was prescribed a new medication which has made a world of difference for me. I have started going out more, resumed some of my previous activities and started driving again (usually with someone else still in the car). I never thought I would drive again! I am so thrilled with my progress and a small thing like driving that I always took for granted, is now a long awaited goal I am achieving. I have learned so many lessons during my illness. Life is short so we really need to make the most of our time and never take anything for granted. I’ve learned that kindness and goodness of people and the power of hope. Driving again is such a gift and a small symbol of my regained health!

  8. -I kept up my gym membership and my gym routine all year long. This is a pretty big deal for me, since I’ve been overweight since elementary school and I’ve always disliked most forms of physical activity, but I’m finally working on it!

    -I’ve also managed to remain pretty positive despite losing my job during the summer and also having a really tough semester these past couple of months at university, which, for me, is impressive, since I can tend to get sad or frustrated easily.
    Kristy recently posted..Christmas Present Nails (My NailPolishCanada week 2 contest entry design!)My Profile

  9. I think my biggest accomplishment for 2012 was to not only stay sane but to flourish even though I had a really busy year and took a lot on. I work full time and I’m getting my MSc. I managed to do my job well, convince someone who holds a Canada Research Chair position to be one of my thesis advisors, do well at school, PR at the half marathon distance, allow myself not to be all things to all people, be a cheering section for my husband in Boston, present at a major conference, survive layoffs at work, maintain a positive attitude, smile, stay on track with healthy living, and have reasonable life balance all while still feeling like a fairly decent human being.

    I definitely let some things slip – I’m not doing any volunteer work or training for marathons or triathlons (which would have been goals if I wasn’t in school) but I’ve still run half marathons, 10ks and even tried some new fitness activities off and on. And my friends still like me and my marriage is still healthy. So that’s my biggest accomplishment – balance in the face of craziness.
    Kristen recently posted..a little bit of this, a little bit of thatMy Profile

  10. My accomplishments in 2012:
    I paid off my student loan (which was the same size as my parents’ mortgage)
    I lost 15 pounds
    I exercised regularly (at least five days a week)
    I survived

  11. Those are pretty great accomplishments.

    This year I’ve lost 20lbs which now makes the total 50lbs! Another 40 to go but I’m on it.

    I’ve take up running more which is something I never thought I’d be able to do with my chronic asthma.

    Part of taking up running was being able to accept that I won’t be the fastest or go the furthest anytime in the near future but getting off the sofie was the first step.

    I’ve learned to accept myself for who I am. I never wanted to join team sports of fear of being too weak or holding the rest of the team back but I’ve been inspired by my husband who plays indoor football (soccer to the non-Brits :D), and goes out there and has a great time, win, lose or draw. Now I’m busy looking for a team sport to give a whirl.

    Here’s to an amazing 2013 full of new goals off the list.

  12. GloGirl – me too.. Plus I have a few other illnesses that have disabled me from being able to drive. I voluntarily stopped driving so I wouldn’t have to lose my licence. It has been so very stressful. I use to get in the car on Friday after work and pull back into the driveway Sunday evening after some adventure. Not being able to drive kills me… However, slowly I’m building back my strength again.. Congrats on being able to drive again.

    My accomplishments for 2012

    – I lost 40 pounds. I still have more to go but I made a good start this year…
    – I started exercising a little.. Not a lot because I pass out but I’ve been trudging through.. Lifting weights, walking around the house a gazillion times, out in the yard, up and down the stairs even though I was warned to stay off them.. I’m also trying to kick box with the weights.. I have lost the weights out of my hands on many occasion as I was jumping and kicking and punching.. I’ve also been dancing. I’m not coordinated enough to go to Zumba, plus I pass out and I don’t want to make a spectacle of myself.
    – I’m also trying to be more social. I would never ever comment on anyones youtube or website nor would I ever call someone or try to make a friend. I’ve always had a small circle of friends but even those I’ve cut off.. I’m making great strides, of course, I still hide out but I am trying and this is proof that it is working..

    Congrats to all of us for our accomplishments…
    Candi recently posted..Ever hear about Julep? @julepmavenMy Profile

  13. This year I accomplished changing my focus from “losing weight” to “becoming fit.” I have lost weight before but I have never been fit. The change in focus has helped my to make this a permanent lifestyle change and not a temporary fix.

    I have started a website called Craving Fitness to help others on a journey of transformation towards a healthier lifestyle and reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes and other complications of diabetes.

    I have lost 10 pounds, many more inches, built muscles I never thought I would ever have and I am much happier in my own skin.

    Whether or not you choose my name….I am a winner!
    Tammy Fuller recently posted..Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie with ShakeologyMy Profile

  14. The biggest thing I’ve accomplished this year is really looking at my life and realizing there were huge improvements I needed to make. I was not happy in my job, or in school and I wasn’t the healthiest I could be. I was denying there was a problem with my eating disorder and was living a life full of obsession. Obsession of food, fitness, body image. It left me with high levels of anxiety and almost daily panic attacks. I decided sometime around March to finally deal with me eating issues and go see a therapist and nutritionist. I have come such a far way this year! I haven’t suffered from a panic attack in about 4 months and I’m able to go to the gym and out to eat without the high levels of anxiety I was once suffering from. This journey taught me so much about the value of life and made me so appreciative of my health today and it also brought my family much closer together. Although my eating disorder sucked, I don’t regret having it because it has made me who I am today.
    Lisa recently posted..Comment on November Favorites by Sara @ Nourish and FlourishMy Profile

  15. Well I haven’t accomplished much but I’ve lost 40lbs since June. Doesn’t seem like much but after 5 babies its a huge deal! I eat better, I walk basically everywhere and I do Zumba for wii every night when my kids are in bed!

    I wish I could say I’m as in shape as you, hopefully soon:) but I’m trying. It’s really reassuring reading your blog, seeing your tweets and seeing how much you still enjoy it all — I hope I do too, I’m so tired but I still push my way through!

    This gift card would help a ton! Who needs new runners? This girl! Who needs a good runner? My son! Heh. Sportchek is lovely, you are the perfect person to be working with them!

  16. My biggest accomplishments of 2012…hmmm. I think it would have to be reaching 100 pounds of weight loss (before/after ), and a year of quitting smoking. I’ve been exercising 5-7 days a week for the last year and a half. I love doing HIIT! I was thinking about doing the 50 Day Pushup Challenge. I can only get about 10 without dropping down on my knees.

    I’ve also challenged my anxiety disorder and have been venturing out into the world a little more. I have agoraphobia and was pretty much housebound, but I have been challenging myself to go shop and I have done things and gone places in the last year that I haven’t done since college! It feels great!


    I have done alot in 2012, much of which i feel very accomplished for. But the best moment of accomplishment for me was running a 5 km race with my son by my side. He is 10.
    Having a child at a young age ( i was 20) made me grow up fast. He was my little side kick, we had eachother & where i went, he went. I knew then that i had to become the best ME i could be.
    Over the last 10 years, he has grown in many ways… and so have I.
    I took up running 3 years ago, and I have TWO 10k’s under my belt. This summer my son cheered me through the finishline of a race i was running in. He asked me later, can we run together sometime? Having my son, my first born… show an interest, and train with me, and then run hand in hand together accross that 5K finishline. Talk about an accomplishment. Id say that was my MOMENT for 2012. For sure! Now he runs with me regularly at the track. We’d both love to gear up with some new SPORT CHECK duds! we have set a goal to run 5 5k’s together by next October. Thanks for the oppertunity Nancy!!

  18. My accomplishments for 2012:

    – Finally got over a hip issue that will allow me to return to mountain bike racing. Just to got to keep exercising those gluteus medius!
    – Continued getting more experienced as a part-time bike shop mechanic to hopefully work on a professional team one day.
    – Being able to perform a quick mobility routine everyday that keeps my joint fluid and moving freely. It certainly was my fountain of youth.
    – One of my biggest accomplishments in 2012 was being able to take 10 minutes for myself everyday and just breathe! Almost like meditation but it has worked wonders.
    – And just keeping with my high-level of fitness, whether through kettlebells, tabatas, cycling, gym work, hill sprints, sled and tire work, etc.

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  19. Awesome idea, Nancy!

    I graduated from University of Waterloo with a English Major and French Minor.
    I started a new job I love in Journalism and Audience Development.
    I received my CanFitPro Fitness Instructor Certification.
    I ran Around the Bay 30 Km for the first time.
    I added weight training and TRX to my workouts and worked on my shoulders and abs.
    I travelled to Arizona, Utah, Florida and Tennessee.

    Thanks Nancy!
    Jessica recently posted..Punching Winter Blahs in the FaceMy Profile

  20. You’ve had some great accomplishments!

    My accomplishments for 2012 are…
    – planning a wedding
    – getting married
    – working out before work almost everyday; which is hard sometimes.
    5 o’clock isn’t that pleasant of a time
    – getting and training a cute little kidding
    – blogging more often than last year ;) haha
    Trudy recently posted..Christmas Blogging Challenge!My Profile

  21. -Learning to knit I’ve also made a lot of stuff, mittens, gloves, hats, socks, blankets. I want to learn how to make a sweater next year.
    -Going to university full time and while working
    -Buying a house
    -also made a huge painting of some trees, I want to paint a draw more next year, I didn’t draw a lot this year.
    -I did some home improvement to my house by myself I was pretty proud of myself on that
    -I exercised a least 4 days a weeks this year, I want to countinue I that to, I want to also learn how to longboard next year

  22. My 2012 accomplishments:

    completed the first year of my masters program
    quit a job that I hated
    maintained my fitness level and consistent strength training for the year
    perfected my hummus recipe and my buffalo chicken dip recipe

  23. Wow, some really great comments here…what a year it has been for all of us by the sounds of it…some things I did:
    -Regular exercise (Played on a women’s field lacrosse team for my 8th straight year, ran, weights/cardio at the gym).
    -Coached a girls field lacrosse team for the 4th straight year.
    -Planned a destination wedding (wedding coming up in April!)
    -Started my own blog after months and months of thinking about it.
    -Took the trip of a lifetime to Las Vegas with 12 other ladies.
    -Learned to manage my time better so I could fit in friends, family, the fiancee, full time work, sports and downtime for ME!
    Here’s to a fantastic 2013!!!

  24. The last couple years have been very busy for me but in the last year my biggest accomplishments are as follows:

    -Completing my Master’s of Art (in Human Kinetics)
    -Starting a job that has direct correlation to my thesis. I never thought it would be possible to get a job in my field because it was so unique, but I am coming up on my year here.
    -Bought my FIRST car. I have had cars in the past but they were always given to my from family and, thus, were not the greatest cars. I now have a nice car which I love.
    -I went to Newfoundland to visit my Grandparents. This is the 5th time in 6 years. Considering I have never lived there I am amazed by how many times I have been able to visit. This visit was really important to me because I went to visit my ailing grandfather who was put into a long-term care facility. It broke my heart to see how sad he were in there, but I know my visit made such a huge difference to him. I was also able to take my Grandma Clouter (Aunt. S..haha) and she was so thankful that I was able to travel with her. I really learned a lot about myself by getting to spend so much time with my grandparents.
    -I completed the 3rd annual scholar’s duathlon (which is actually the Guelph Lake Duathlon) in June. My sister’s and I complete it in memory of our dad who passed away 3 years ago. He loved running and biking, so it was an easy fit. The race is comprised of a 2km run, 20km ride, and 5 km run. This year I trained extra hard for it and my goal was to finish faster than ever before. Well, on the day of I had a heck of a time and didn’t realize until the end of the race that my break-pad was rubbing against my rim the whole ride….and I only finished a minute slower. Geez, I was pissed but so happy to work my butt off! It was a great feeling!
    -Lastly, a big thing this year for myself and my husband…is that I AM PREGNANT!!! hope you like that one Nanc!! The bambines is due May 22nd!!

  25. I woke up to the start of 2012 thinking that it will be a year of new changes That very thought that put my foot in motion to accomplish a lot. I look back on the year and I feel proud and surprised that I have so much motivation inside me. I believe in the philosophy of one step at a time, little achievements will bring the trophy! haha
    Looking back, these are some of my accomplishments:
    -I quit smoking!! Wow, I know!! Yup for good, one year in my shadow now!
    – I went back to school after being out of school for 15 years and I am now a Certified Health Care Aide! Yay!
    – Along the way, I have developed better eating habbits and invested in a treadmill (NEW ADDICTION, but hey, its healthy!!)
    – Along with my treadmill, I have lost 28 pounds!

    So my momentum is up, my dreams are no longer shadowed, and I feel great! I feel whatever makes you feel alive and it brings benefits to your body, mind, and soul, then you will be embracing the treasure of full achievements. 2013 will be the year to unleash the new me and achieve even more. :)

  26. My entire life I was involved with sports. Soccer, Volleyball Hockey and Basketball.

    5 years ago I broke my foot and it was a long painful recovery. I went to college after that and was generally to busy to stay involved. This past winter I realized I needed to get back involved. I searched and found a soccer team to join. I played with them for 2 seasons and recently took over as team manager (I still play as well as manage).

    At the end of my last season I was having terrible pains in my feet. I am flat footed so this has always been a problem. I went to the doctors and have found out I am developing a form of arthritis in my feet. Now this is not okay for anyone, but I am 23.

    Instead of giving up I have invested a lot of money into shoes that will help the pain as well as orthotics. It is getting better but I still get intense swelling after every game.

    I have also since joined a floor hockey team!

    I am really proud of myself for overcoming everything from being out of shape to having problems with my feet. I would rather stay fit then to sit around doing nothing!

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