I want a slow cooker/crock pot

Who here has a slow cooker / crock pot? (Side note, there were so many vulgar spelling mistakes in those first few words… backspace key is my bff). I’ve read on two of my favorite blogs now, the girls are using their crock pots this week, and it’s making. my. mouth. water. Lawrd!

(Thanks for the image, Walmart!)

After about a year of thinking about one, I’m thinking more seriously about going out and just buying one. The thing about them that irks me though, is that I’m not the biggest fan of mushy food. So I need a bit of convincing that what I will get, I will like the meals. Can everything be cooked in there at the same time? Rice, chicken and veggies? How does that even work? I’m sure it’ll come with a manual and all, but it’s rather interesting to me, to put it bluntly.

I’m getting busier in the evenings and I find myself running out of time. Having supper made and ready to eat by the time I get home seems like such a luxury. Almost like I’m living with my parents again, haha.

Do you use a slow cooker?
How many people can it make food for? I know there’s different sizes you can get as well.

What are some of your favorite healthy meals in the crock pot?

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  1. YES I loooove my slow cooker, get one! It really depends on the size of your slow cooker, I have a tiny one I use to use before Micah (and now I will use it for sides) & a large one that holds more then enough for atleast 6 people.

    While you are thinking about slowcookers, you should check out Williams-Sonoma cookbooks for slow cookers, they have the most AMAZING recipes (some are free on the website too!)
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  2. I just picked up a small one at Sobey’s for $19.99. Had a larger one for years, but only 2 of us here now, so don’t use the big one much. The Sobey’s one is Hamilton-Beach and 20 bucks is a good price. Nothing is mushy unless you want it to be. Check out some recipes on-line. Buy yourself one. You will be delighted with it. They may only have them for a limited time.

  3. I have a crockpot and I LOOOOVE IT! I’ve never had it turn anything mushy. I’ve cooked soup, chili, bbq chicken, ribs, and pork chips in it. It’s so convenient to throw the food in before you head to work in the morning and come home to a fully-cooked meal. This is the one I have (except in an older model): http://www.target.com/p/hamilton-beach-stainless-3-in-1-slow-cooker-with-black-bowls/-/A-10611374 and I like it because it has 3 different sized bowls. I’ve had it since 2006!
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  4. Nancy you should get one. I have one and we love it. I have made stews, soups and chili in it and its great. You start it in the morning before going out and when you come back the place smells delicious. Nothing like a home cooked meal ready to go when you walk in after a busy day.

    I have never had any mushy food.

  5. My mom swears by her crockpot. Ive only made a few things on my own, but I love making ribs in them. They come out perfect. Interesting things that my mom has made in hers has been stuffed peppers and lasagna. You should check out the zellers (If you can find any that are still open). Im sure you could find a really good deal with their closing sales. I still think a good investment would be to get one that had multiple sizes. Or maybe just try out a small one for your first one.
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