OOTWW + Triple F Friday #12

So I got a new camera from the Boyf for Christmas. The photos are kind of absudrly bright. Sorry? lol. I need to read the manual more. It’s not light enough outside to take photos without the flash when I snap these before work. Thus, the intense bright flash.

Onto the OOTWW:


Lucky me with a two day work week. Ha! I took Wednesday off from work so I could unpack and do some errands before heading back.

Ah! I love Triple F Fridays. Short for Fun, Fit and/or Fashionable people that stood out to me in the last blogging week. :) Here we go…

calypsoSierra spent the Holidays in Mauritius! Check out some of her outfits she pulled together. Loveee that dress.

Armani-Eyes-To-Kill-Mascara-Lancome-Hypnose-Doll-Lashes-YSL-Shocking-630x420Rae talks about her thoughts on high end mascaras.

dec26_ootd1This is from last week. But since I didn’t do a Triple F Friday last week, I’m showing her post today. Leanne has some New Years resolutions too. To continue this she’s posting her outfits of the work week, as well! This is her Boxing Day OOTD which features Le Chateau, American Eagle, and Michael Kors.

amanda-riding-boot-tory-burchLena bought some pretty amazing Tory Burch boots. I actually want them. I wonder what size boot she wears… can I buy them off you? No, really.

afoodiestaysfitTeri blogged about how she made herself significantly faster as a runner. How that was possible, by her already speedy legs —I have no idea. But she’s done it.

Submit yourself to my weekly Fun, Fit, Fashionable posts. You can certainly submit your own, next week. Just shoot me an e-mail to spiffykerms@gmail.com. Just include any of the following:

  • Your name
  • Your URL, if you have a blog
  • Description of you being Fun, Fit or Fashionable
  • A photo, which is optional of course

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