My CrossFit Journal (Year 1, week 48)


year 1, week 48, day one

Back Squats

I worked my way up to 95lbs at the end of it. Did the 95lb back squat twice in a row, and decided to stop since I didn’t want to do any damage.

For time:

20 burpees

Dive Bombers
DeadLifts (105lbs)

20 burpees

I was on the 9’s for the Dive Bombers. Had 6 done, and the timer ended up beeping. I did the Dive Bombers off a 12″ box, which was much more difficult and slowed me down.


year 1, week 48, day two

3 Turkish Get Ups per side
30 Hollow Rocks
(repeat three times)

Every 2 1/2 minutes perform:

5 Thrusters; 95/65lb
15 Overhead Squat; 95/65lb
3 strict pullups
3 ring dips

6 Rounds

 The 65lb Thrusters didn’t seem like a big deal. But since we needed to keep the weight the same since we were doing overhead squats with it, I definitely needed to go down in weight. 15 OH squats is a lot! Jeesh. I ended up using a 35lb bar with 2.5’s on either side so 40lbs total weight for the WOD. Funny how five pounds makes such a difference. I tried using 45lbs and I couldn’t even get seven repetitions in!


year 1, week 48, day three

4 x 1 Clean + 6 Rack Lunge
4 x 8 Good Morning
*These are to be done as a super set, Do the Lunges, then Good Morning immediately after, then rest as necessary

AMRAP 7 mins
16 Burpees
8 Ring Push Up

For the WOD I ended up getting 2 full rounds in and 12 burpees. Ring pushups are insanely hard!


year 1, week 48, day four

The boyfriend and I ended up doing a CrossFit WOD at home. Check it out on my previous blog post.

[older crossfit journal entries]

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