Weekend trip to Quebec City: Part 3

View part 1 of our trip (Carnival), and part 2 (more scenic photos).

Ah the final instalment of our weekend getaway to Quebec City.  It was nice to break up the winter like we did, and it was such a much needed vacation. With only an hour away on the air plane ride, I think we might end up going back!

The first time I saw this miniature electric bus, I think I pointed and laughed. It was like seeing a smart car for the first time, except it was a smart bus! They’re unbelievably tiny. Quebec-City-0015

See the size of the bus, below? :)Quebec-City-0016

Nightime views in Quebec’s downtown core.Quebec-City-0017

All smiles!Quebec-City-0018

Boyfriend making me pose for photos. Me? Not mindin’ at all. Let’s shoot a cannon!Quebec-City-0019

Tons of different Bonhomme’s from all the previous Carnivals.Quebec-City-0020

Chocolate store. The best place ever invented.Quebec-City-0021

Talented pained murals. Quebec-City-0022

Seeing a huge trend here with myself. In Dublin I took about 13,067 photos of doors. I also did the same on this trip. Quebec-City-0023

Shopping area.Quebec-City-0024

Same street, but at night. :) Quebec-City-0033

Hotel Frontenac at night.Quebec-City-0025

Longchamp from Paris. Only appropriate. Quebec-City-0026

Lovely lights.Quebec-City-0027

Adorable store front. Quebec-City-0028

Chilly evenings exploring the city.Quebec-City-0029

More street views. Quebec-City-0030

Our hotel! Bonjour Hotel Champlain! We were on the top (5th) floor.Quebec-City-0031

A man and his pups.Quebec-City-0032

Loved the Hotel Frontenac. Quebec-City-0034

One of the streets we explored. Quebec-City-0035

Lake view.Quebec-City-0036

Ah! ha ha ha… ah ha! Little bus. Quebec-City-0037

And to finish it off, I did a bit of shopping! Here’s my souvenirs. Quebec Carnival mug, sheep skin gloves, and two pairs of $5 sunnies. Quebec-souviners

Shopping at Simons. Tried on this yellow jacket, debated buying it until I spotted the navy one shown next. Shopping-in-Quebec

Bam! Bought. Shopping-in-Quebec-002

Serious faces reserved for serious shoppers. Shopping-in-Quebec-003

And that’s a wrap! Our trip to Quebec City in 3 long photo posts. Hope you enjoyed!

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Weekend trip to Quebec City: Part 2

Ah bonjour! Part deux of our weekend trip to fantastic Quebec City! We stayed at a small hotel, which was just perfect. Below is photos I snapped on our first day at Hotel Champlain.

We explored the city each night. Couldn’t get over how much it reminded me of Dublin. My Sister-In-Law is from there, you know (Dublin). I’ve been a few times! Random.Old-Quebec-City

Pub St. Patrick, on the street below our hotel.Old-Quebec-City-003

It was blistering cold this night with the snow blowing sideways at our faces. You can sort of see the snow blowing in the sky underneath that building’s lamp. Old-Quebec-City-002

Told ya I was bundled up the entire trip!Quebec-City

Standing next to the Fairmont Le Château Frontenac. Old-Quebec-City-005

European street views.Old-Quebec-City-004

I did a lot of running on this trip. Running to stay warm. Here I am getting a brisk walk in, which was slowly turning into a jog. Quebec-City-002

Uh! There’s a smile! Must’ve been the first day when I didn’t realize I would freeze my toosh off the entire time ;) Quebec-City-004

 What? You don’t do jumping jacks to stay warm? What’s so odd? :) Quebec-City-005

Carefully walking up the street. Slipped a few times. Wearing appropriate footwear during the Winter in Quebec is a must.Quebec-City-003

Little shops.Quebec-City-007

Couldn’t sit on this to watch a bit of tele! What a sweet ice chair, hey?Quebec-City-006

Beautiful shopping area in the downtown core. Quebec-City-008

Some side street near our hotel.Quebec-City-0010

I found a tunnel!Quebec-City-009

Hotel Frontenac, you can be seen everywhere! What do you think people would’ve thought in the 1800’s when they saw this magnificent building? Quebec-City-0011

Postcard worthy…Quebec-City-0012

Au revoir! Until next time Bonhomme! Stay tuned for my final Quebec City re-cap.Quebec-City-0013

View part one of our Quebec City trip.

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I had a ton of fun this week, and appreciated that it was also a short week with the Family Day holiday and a vacation day I took on Tuesday since I had an extra day layin’ around from last year. Might as well put it to use, hey?

Next week I’m heading out to Toronto for the day on Wednesday, and I’m already excited about it. Can’t wait to blog and tell you my adventures there!

I hit my snooze for an hour this morning. I meant to get up at 6:40 am in order to publish this very blog post for you guys this morning, however sleep won me over. It always does as of late. Oops. Either way, at least it’s still Friday so I’m not that late getting the post up.

snacks-at-my-deskSupper is being put on hold until I write this post. Thus, the need for some snacks: cheese ‘n crackers + vitaminwater zero. Don’t judge the desk. It’ll get cleaned. This is what it looks like towards every weeks end.

Here we go with Fashion Friday!


Next up, the Fun, Fit and/or Fashionable people of the week!

Ashley posts a What’s Inside My Purse (love these posts!)

Marion has her weekly moments of the week up, plus a casual Friday OOTD. (Love her blog, she’s so hilarious).

Merrick is so talented with the sewing machine, and always reinventing her closet. Today she posted how to wear an article of clothing, 5 different ways.

Holy moly, Lena gives an incredible review of a new shampoo and conditioner she received. The volume she has is outstanding. Check out her site to see before/after photos.

Tattoo your bananas for breakfast! Such a cute idea.

Check out Laura’s first Fashion Friday post!

Submit yourself to my weekly Fun, Fit and/or Fashionable posts. You can certainly submit your own, next week. Just shoot me an e-mail to spiffykerms@gmail.com. Just include any of the following:

  • Your name
  • Your URL (if applicable)
  • Description of your blog post 
  • A photo (optional)
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