Time to jaunt over to the spa


Pep pep! Time to jaunt over to the spa and get a facial and massage on my day off!

I had an extra vacation day from last year so I decided to take today off. It’s especially nice, since we just got back from our Quebec City trip last night and I woke up early to pick Alfie up from the dog sitters (which is actually our trainer who is superbly awesome with him).  Today is a day to catch up and relax.

I’ve never had a facial before, so I’m pretty excited about that. My first spa massage in a few years was just in November and it was pretty relaxing, but this time I’m getting a deeper tissue massage to get out any knots in my back.

I’ll try to take some photos in the spa if I can, not sure if that would be allowed or not, we’ll see. Also I want to tell you all about our weekend getaway!

Have you ever been to a spa?
I honestly never go to these places, but I had some gift cards I needed to use up, so I’m usin’ them up today!

Ever get a professional massage?
This will be my third one.

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I had an emotionally exhausting week. All I can say is that it was bitter-sweet in the sense that I got things off my chest that was built up, and in quite a professional matter. I was surprised at myself at how I presented myself in that situation. I feel like a more confident person because of what’s been going on. Due to privacy issues I won’t get into details, but a few people have stated that they are proud of the accomplishments I’ve created for myself over the past few months. I’m very proud of standing my ground, and won’t let things go unnoticed. That was the “sweet part”.

As for the bitter part, which I really do dislike talking about, and try not to often but; My Dad has go to back on chemotherapy. Even though he’s had a quite a long break from the “rat poison” as he sometimes refers to it as, it was “expected” but we had hoped that it wouldn’t turn out that way. Regardless of that, he’s a pretty chipper, laid back ol’ Daddio and he’ll do what he has to do. Just wish I wasn’t a three hour flight away from visiting them. Sometimes you’d just like to be there, you know?

I’m ready for the Family Day long weekend, let’s bring it on. I won’t be blogging until Tuesday, so don’t expect anything on Monday — ha ha!

ootwwSorry, no “Fun, Fit and/or Fashionable” post this week since no one submitted anything and I didn’t want to go digging for something to just post.

If you’re in a province where you have Family Day — then have a great long weekend!

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Happy Valentines Day


Happy Valentines Day you love birds!

eos goodiesHope you all are sharing the love today. I certainly did with eos lip balms. On Tuesday a nice parcel of goodies were delivered to me, and I handed them out to three lucky gals. 

julie-with-eos-lipbalmJulie picked out the Pomegranate Raspberry.  It’s her first time ever using anything by eos. She loved it

eos strawberry sorbetAmy tweeted that she received her eos Strawberry Sorbet in the courier that I sent to her!

Then I gave my boss the purple cutie, which was Passion Fruit.

eos-hand-lotionWhat I did keep for myself is the slim shaped hand lotion in Berry Blossom and the tropical tree growing kit. Let’s cross our fingers in hopes that I can keep this thing alive. No one gives me plants anymore, nor do I have any living one’s at home/work due to the fact that within the month, it’s dead. Please don’t ask me how I kill plants that quick, but it happens.

I’ve had two gorgeous bonsai trees within the past few years and both of them didn’t last 6 months. I LOVE the look of them, which is why I got a second one. I’m actually thinking of picking up one for work. Maybe the window wasn’t good for it, at home? I have a nice toasty warm office sans window at work, so perhaps it would thrive there. I’m keeping this tropical growing kit (supposedly pomegranate!?!) at work. I’ll let you know how things go :)

Are you all doing something special with your significant others, or friends? The Boyf and I have a tradition of going to McDonald’s on Valentines Day. No joke. It became a thing with us when we started dating. I lived in Newfoundland and he moved to Ontario shortly after.  I flew up a few times throughout the year and one time when I was flying home it happened to be on Valentines Day. The date had slipped our minds and while driving to the airport we were both starving, and popped into McDonalds to grab a tasty feast.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Ever since our first Valentines Day together, we’ve been keeping up the tradition. Except for last year. I think we broke it since we ate somewhere else. But still. I definitely want to eat supper there tonight! I love McDonalds.

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What is your favorite Valentines Day memory?

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