I’ve received a few comments from people who wanted to know how I’ve been making my egg omelet muffins. It saves me time and most importantly energy I don’t have in the morning. I make a batch of 12 on Sunday morning and I have enough to due us all week.
Preheat your oven to 350°. Spray your muffin tins with cooking spray so they don’t stick.
Crack and beat them into a cup where you can pour properly. Here is where you can add milk, but since these are ‘paleo friendly’ I did not.
Pour the egg mixture evenly into each muffin cup.
Get your veg ready! I’m adding yellow bell peppers and fresh mushrooms.
Make sure they’re chopped up into bite size pieces.
In goes the peppers! Add as many/as little as you’d like.
Pop them into the oven for 55 minutes and this is what you’ve got:
Let them cool off for a bit and store them in an air tight container and you’re set for the week!
12 eggs
veggies of your choice
spices of your choice
- Crack 12 eggs into a container and mix until beaten
- Pour egg mixture into 12 muffin cups (sprayed with cooking oil so they don’t stick)
- Drop in your favorite veggies (bite size pieces)
- Cook for 45-55 min at 350
- Serve, and enjoy!
These look great. I do something similar but cook the veggies a bit first.
Looks great – just a bit confused by the different cook times you have listed…I’m guessing 30 minutes would be plenty?
@Ana: Oops, thanks for bringing that to my attention. I forgot to edit the last part of the recipe. I cook the egg muffins at 350 for 45-55 minutes.
Nancy recently posted..Egg ‘muffin’ omelets (Paleo friendly)
So simple. So easy. So healthy!!! :) I love HEALTHY and EASY recipes! These look fantastic. And you can just pop them in a ziplock bag and bring them anywhere!
GiGi Eats Celebritie recently posted..Bodacious Body Types!
I love making these…but with egg whites :)
Kierston @candyfit recently posted..Keeping That Motivational High!
Egg ‘muffin’ omelets (Paleo friendly) They are made to match a pandora charms online diamond necklace – PLB EPIRB SART Survivor Recovery System for Diving, Sailing, Kayaking http://kannadmarine.com/us/component/easyblog/entry/they-are-made-to-match-a-pandora-charms-online-diamond-necklace?Itemid=101
Nomnomnom! I’m going to try my hand at these tonight! They look soo yummy :) x