Getting cold feet on healthy living

I’ll just jump right into it. I haven’t been eating well since coming off Paleo on May 7. To put it bluntly I have no self control and I’m back to the candy addictions and eating out. Have I not learned anything!? I am very disappointed in myself the past few weeks.

Last week I had one of the new McDonalds signature chicken wraps (the fiesta one) and I didn’t even like it!. I felt guilty eating it because I’ve been eating poorly all last week. Buying mini gummy bears at bulk barn and eating the entire bag.

I didn’t feel guilty about this meal though. My boss bought me one of my favorite McDonalds lunches. Plain cheeseburger, medium fries and a medium root beer.

I think that Paleo is a little too extreme for me, and I was feeling very apathetic. Little or no emotion. It was the strangest thing. I was definitely not myself, neither happy or sad. Just there. Let’s not talk about my toilet issues being on Paleo. My butt was not happy, let me just say that much.

However, I do want to change.

I don’t know why I’m writing this post, or what help (if any) I’m asking for. Maybe just confessing to you guys that anyone can slip up (ahem…for weeks on end). I just don’t understand why I can’t keep myself accountable for my own personal well being and overall health. I need to be accountable for my actions and have measurable goals.

I’ve already tried keeping a food log but as soon as I “cheated” (which is allowed, but not 15 days in a row!) I failed to write it down and just skipped writing every other meal there after, down.

Starting Sunday that just passed, I’ve jumped back on the healthy train and got my act together. I’ve started taking pictures of mostly everything I’ve been eating and publishing it on instagram again. So far so good.

Sunday night’s supper which I also brought to work for lunch the next day:

Monday night’s supper after a CrossFit wod:

Snacks are always the same with me. Dried unsweetened (scrumptious) mango and raw nuts with a few treats (mini M&Ms):

It’s amazing the difference you feel immediately after eating something good for you, than bad. TMI but I don’t toot as much when I eat well. Hey, it is what it is man. You come here, you get the real deal.

Perhaps seeing photos like this will keep myself motivated. It was inspiring to see me get healthy little abs on my stomach throughout paleo. I truly wanted to see what I was capable in the thirty days and I loved the results. I mean, who wouldn’t love 4.5″ gone off their waist in 30 days!? I’m still shocked that I was capable of doing that through Paleo and CrossFit/Climbing.

By the way, we still have no idea who won the Paleo 30 day Challenge at our local CrossFit box. It kept getting put off (long weekend in May, then the CrossFit Regionals) so now it’s happening this weekend. I’ll keep you posted.

Whewf. Glad I got that all off my chest.

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  1. @Linz @ Itz Linz: Thanks. I’m pretty sure everything wasn’t in moderation during that unhealthy binge, lol. I’m glad I realized it, so I took the reins and I’m back into stealth mode. Healthy eating + junk in moderation. Once a day now, I allow myself something delicious (ex: McDonalds iced coffee with some chocolate yesterday). Mmm.
    Nancy recently posted..Getting cold feet on healthy livingMy Profile

  2. I am proud of you for sticking with the Whole 30 Challenge. I tried it last summer, but my stomach was NOT happy. And it was not meshing well with my Marathon training so 6 days later…no more challenge for me haha.

    I think there is no right or wrong way to eat or do things. But you have to happy!
    Krysten recently posted..#WIAW – Mocha Latte Protein ShakeMy Profile

  3. I don’t know if it is because I’m getting older and older but I never ate my feelings but these days, oh my goodness, these days I’m stress eating. I gave up subscription boxes to save money and instead I’m spending it on KFC. Yesterday I had it again for supper and it turned my stomach but today I’m up out of bed and I wonder if I can con anyone into wanting it again. I’m going to have to try and journal my meals again and make myself accountable. Even typing that stresses me out though.. -sigh
    Candi recently posted..How to make my Seashore Handmade SoapMy Profile

  4. Oh gosh, I can tooootally relate to this. I did a Whole30 last summer, and even though when it ended I was feeling great, so didn’t want to “mess it up”, but I gave in and had some honey and chocolate. I felt awful – stomach in knots, and everything was just so sweet. But I kept on eating it. Before I knew it, I was diving headfirst into a batch of peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. I kind of rationalized that for a while, saying “hey, at least it’s peanut butter and chocolate, not corn syrup, etc. but I started feeling terrible, and my digestion was on the rocks. I realized that there isn’t anything sustainable about the extremes for me – 100% paleo left me feeling deprived, and then it didn’t make the transition back to being able to eat everything easy, but I clearly can’t eat all sugar and junk, either.

    Since then, my attitude has been “default to paleo, but make exceptions for special things” – not cheez-its or tortilla chips because my coworker offers them to me, but foods that I actually care about eating (even if it won’t make me feel the greatest). I have to be willing to say “I won’t feel great after eating it, but I want it so much that a little discomfort is worth it”. Really good dark chocolate, my mother’s homemade pie, gelato or italian ice on a hot summer day at the beach, a nice meal that someone else took the time to cook for me. THOSE to me are “worth it”. Since last fall, this approach has really worked for me (even through Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Valentines day, when there’s so much “good” food, but only a few things that are really, truly special).

  5. Oh boy I have been down this road again and again. Starting a diet regime, finding success and then when I feel like I can’t maintain the diet any longer….binge baby binge! So you are not the only one and you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it. You ARE being accountable by realizing you have gone off track. No one is perfect and no one can realistically eat healthy all the time. You have had your cheat meals; they happened. There’s nothing you can do about it now so get back on track and allow yourself a “treat” now and then. You are super active so you have that going for your health wise. Be kind to yourself and everything else will fall into place :-)
    Melissa recently posted..Dig ItMy Profile

  6. I feel so much better when I do eat Paleo but sometimes my taste buds just get the better of me! My stomach pays for that, though and I am learning!

  7. “My butt was not happy” Oh dear, LOL!

    Your Instagram certainly looks healthy . . . a lot healthier than the crap I”ve been putting in my body.

    I had a similar instance of “Why did I eat that?” last Saturday. I ordered my weekend treat of a burger and fries at Moxie’s. It was absolutely disgusting but I still ate it. Then I immediately felt guilty; especially after our waitress told me she was pregnant too and due a few weeks after me. But she had no bump – that led to some tears afterwards.

    Why are we so hard on ourselves and what we put in our bodies?! I try to remind myself not to feel guilty and just concentrate on eating better for the next meal or snack.

  8. I’ve been keeping track of everything I eat using MyFitnessPal, on the computer and the phone app. It helps me. I still eat some “bad” things, but I make much better choices when I know the calories are going to add up right there in front of my face. I still enter it in even if it’s bad (like the 3 slices of pizza I had last Friday night). I’ve noticed my stomach doesn’t look as bloated when I eat better and drink water. I haven’t had a Sprite in almost 2 weeks….and I love Sprite so much! Try not to beat yourself up and feel guilty. It happens. I still need to try your chicken strips! :)
    Jill recently posted..Light and refreshing: Summer Fruit SaladMy Profile

  9. Do what makes you happy!! :-) You did amazingly with the Paleo challenge, unreal results as well! I couldn’t imagine giving up all my faves (sandwiches and pasta!!) for a whole month. I do believe in moderation personally and what the heck, you do eat a lot of healthy foods so a little bit of sweetness just brings balance ;)
    Jaz recently posted..Paintings for Artex 2013 & Project Workshop May ExhibitionMy Profile

  10. @Candi: I know what you mean by wanting to go back to KFC and then feeling guilty even before you go there.

    Cook some chicken breasts, and chop up all your fresh veggies and store them in air tight containers in the fridge. So when you have a craving, you’ll gravitate to the food that’s healthy and already cooked there waiting for you. Reward yourself at the end of the week (or day lol) with a cheat meal. That’s what’s been working so far this week with me.
    Nancy recently posted..Getting cold feet on healthy livingMy Profile

  11. @Jaz: Thank you so much Jaz <3

    @Jill: I’ve tried out MyFitness Pal and I got annoyed that so many of the exercises I do wasn’t in there, nor was the food (unsweetned dried mango) and I thought it was just annoying to deal with lol…Just used it for one day.

    @Elle: Your body starts craving healthy food, doesn’t it! Love that.
    Nancy recently posted..Getting cold feet on healthy livingMy Profile

  12. It shouldn’t be a diet but a lifestyle change. As for energy, you need to have carbs around your training..healthy carbs like fruit, sweet potato.. I find I can slip off the wagon ( e.g. couple glasses of wine, a piece of dessert) but get right back on again….that is the change for me now. With clean eating and my exercise program I have been able to lose 3 clothes sizes and 25 pounds since January…half way to goal!

  13. It is only normal to feel like this especially after spending 30 days on a somewhat restrictive diet. I did a 3-day juice cleanse and for three days I was miserable. After that I decided it just wasn’t worth it. I don’t follow a strict diet but I just try to eat as clean as possible. You have to allow yourself treats and not have eaters remorse! Jillian Michaels was talking about her 80/20 rule on her podcast. She eats healthy 80 % of the time but the other 20% she allows herself to eat what her body wants. And it looks like she is doing just fine!

    I totally feel your pain here. It’s a tough to strike a balance.
    Abigail recently posted..The Dirty Dozen – Foods you should consider eating organic.My Profile

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