My CrossFit Journal (Year 2 Week 14)

I felt so strong at CrossFit last week. Paleo is definitely helping me get stronger. I was going up in (lifting) weight like nobodies business!

[older crossfit journal entries]


year 2, week 14, day 1

EMOM 10 (Every minute on the minute for 10 mins)
1 power clean + 1 squat clean to thruster

What I used: For the first few rounds I did 70lbs, then I ended up putting on 2.5lb plates on making it 75lbs for the last few! Thrusters were the hardest. But I love power clean and thrusters/push-presses, so it was a pretty good WOD.

400m run
25 pushups

What I completed: I did 3 full rounds, did another 400m run and 13 pushups. So close to finishing the 4th round.


year 2, week 14, day 2

KB swing
KB lunges
KB overhead situps

I used a 12kg weight, and finished in 17:43!


year 2, week 14, day 3

Every other minute (loads of rest!)
10 minutes / 5 rounds
1 deadlift
2 hang clean (power or squat)
3 front squats

I used 75lbs for the first three rounds, and then bumped it to 80lbs for the last two!!

-Rest 3 minutes-

12 toes to bar
12 KB snatch 12 burpees

I did three full rounds, then did the 12 T2b, 12 KB snatches and 8 more burpees.

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