This week flew by for me so quickly. It almost felt like a 4-day work week. What are everyone’s plans for the Labour Day weekend? Just moments ago the boyfriend and I were out on the balcony watching the thunder storm. It was so relaxing. He had a brewski, me a water. Haven’t ate supper yet — I should get on that.

ootwwHope everyone stays safe this long Labour Day weekend. I do want to address one thing though.

I still see people in cars as I’m driving, with the driver texting, or talking on their cell up to their ear. No hands free. Earlier this week I almost got t-boned on a round-about by a person who didn’t yield, and I noticed he was talking on his cell. My horn was’a blarin, let me tell you that much.

I know there’s many of you out there who text and drive. Some of you even write about it on social media. I can’t believe some of you admit you’re doing it.

Please. Watch this video and reconsider texting and driving.

Have a safe long weekend.

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