10 things that make me really happy

1. Wrapping up in cozy warm clothes on a chilly weekend morning, sipping hot tea and reading.

2. When you get a pull-through parking spot, really close to the door!

3. Getting a long warm shower and hopping into bed with freshly cleaned linens. bed1

4. Meeting friends I’ve known online for a few years, hi Leanne! (We get to hang out again on Saturday. So excited!)

5. My boyfriend :) and cuddles with Alfie.cuddles with alfie

6. Can’t forget my family in Newfoundland. I get to see these hooligans in a few weeks time.nephews

7. Popcorn. From anywhere. Gimmie.

8. Long weekends.

9. A good hair day. What? It’s true.

10. Exercising by doing my favorite things: CrossFit, or climbing.

What are a few things that make you happy?mpg-valencia-selfieOne more thing. This bright coral zip up makes me happy (because it keeps me warm). Come back tomorrow and see a full review and perhaps a giveaway too!

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