Performing under pressure

I honestly think that I perform better when stressed. That is, in certain situations.

Shopping being one of my best under pressure assets. Go figure. However we have no regrets and that’s what I call a success.

The boyfriend had to update his wardrobe with some new professional looking pieces for a special occasion the very next morning. We had 1 hour before the mall closed. Tops. Just thinking of it all over again gives me a headache. Everything is always left until the last minute, but that’s besides the point — I’ve learned to live with how it is.

We literally ran into the mall the other evening, going to his favourite clothing store: Winners. We searched the racks for anything that would fit his European build. We thought it was a lost cause, and as we were walking out I spotted a small rack of clothes with some hidden gems.

I yanked the hangers off the racks as quickly as I could, making the grand total of six items to try on in the dressing room. Everything I picked out somehow looked incredible on him and I made him buy three of the six articles of clothing.

Not only that he needed a new belt to go with the brown pants, since he either wears black/charcoal pants or jeans with his black belt. Bonus? Winners had Perry Ellis REVERSIBLE belts for $17. What the what? Do they make these in women’s? Because holy hannah that is useful.

Here’s the shirt and pants combo that he wore. How do you like his brown suede shoes? I begged him to buy them when they were at Winners last year. This is the first time he’s ever worn them.scotts-selfie

I think I did pretty well, picking out his outfit. I asked him if I could put this photo of him up on the site, he agreed (as he likes to remain somewhat internet anonymous) but only if I didn’t include his handsome face :( lol. LAME. Gotta work with what you’ve got I suppose.

What does your significant other’s style look like?
The boyfriend is usually in athletic wear, or a tee and jeans. I love seeing him dressed up like this!

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  1. my fiancé is a vw technician and i find his uniform incredibly sexy. but when he’s not in uniform he’s usually in a tee and jeans.

  2. Shaun wears either olive cargo pants with a black t-shirt or black cotton pants or black jeans and black tshirts. He also has dress shirts in black too. He likes white but umm, well, hopefully he won’t read this but him and pizza sauce and a white t-shirt.. well there isn’t enough bleach in the world to get the stains out so he only gets a couple days out of his whites. haha

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