Collab giveaway with FreshSeason!


It’s November, dudes. I love how close it is to Christmas now. Less than 2 months and I’ll be in Newfoundland again!

I haven’t started decorating yet, have you? I usually wait til mid-November to get out my glass desktop Christmas tree.

Oh. I’ve got some exciting news for you guys today. From now through December I will feature Christmas gift ideas on the blog. Hence that fun little header up top.

As you start making your shopping lists, there seems to be always that one person who is difficult to buy for, am I right? I’m here to help you out! This is the time to check out my blog for some great gift ideas, and a chance to win some of the items I’ll be featuring throughout the next few weeks.

Each of the upcoming posts under ‘Holiday Gift Guide‘ will have a review and/or a giveaway and if you’ve missed one of those posts, just click on that fun skyscraper pic on the right hand side. It’ll bring you to all of the (upcoming) posts in one round-up page.

Let’s get this thing started, shall we?!

Up today, I’m doing a collab giveaway with my BBFF (bloggy best friend forever) Leanne. Both of us have gathered some prizes for our readers to win and we’re so excited to give these goodies away to one lucky reader in the Canada or USA.


One winner will receive:

  • An orange fossil wallet
  • One $30 gift card to Sephora
  • Philosophy makeup bag with a few goodies!

Here’s an up close picture of the goods. Just in case you want to see what the makeup bag & wallet looks like. Gotta know what you’re winnin’. Am I right?

Fossil and Philosophy giveaway

Alright! Enter away on the rafflecopter form below. Leanne and I are sharing the rafflecopter form, but there are things you need to do, over on her site. So keep that in mind and pay her a nice friendly visit. :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Thanks for the giveaway! So pleased to see a Fossil product up for grabs since you rave so much about this brand :)

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