I’ve done it again!

I’ve done it again. I started subscribing to more monthly beauty subscriptions. This time, I’ve subscribed to Ipsy (that’s my referral link).

I signed up for Ipsy last winter, but only for 1 month, just so I could get the Big Sexy Hair travel sized hair spray (a darn good hair spray that I’ve yet to buy a full-size of).

As always, you sign up on their website and do a questionnaire on what sort of beauty products you gravitate towards, whether or not you like neutral colours, or bold, etc. Everything is catered towards you and your interests. Your bag will include 5 items based on your profile.

In September I re-subscribed to Ipsy. I was on the wait-list for a few weeks and managed to sneak in just in time to receive the October bag.

So it came last week and as always, it was shipped in this awesome hot pink bubble wrap foil envelope.ipsy-october-2013-bag

Notice the makeup bag that the samples are in? The great thing about ipsy is that every month, their makeup bags are different. It’s always a nice surprise.

These are the goodies I received:ipsy-bag-october-2013

I gave my co-worker Julie, the Cake hand cream immediately. I cannot stand vanilla/cookie-scented products to use on my body. I want to hurl just thinking of it. On the other hand, she can’t get enough of it and loves the scent.

Buxom Full On Lip Polish in Dolly. LOVE THIS shimmery muted plum colour. It’s completely amaze balls. I’m a little addicted to these tingling/cooling sensation lip glosses by Buxom and finished my very first lip gloss up, ever. I was pretty stoked. I even bought a new one. So having a 3rd, although mini/travel sized — is great!

Zoya nail polish. I’ve heard that the formulas for Zoya are great. But I won’t be trying this colour. I don’t know how these colours manage to slip in, but on my questionnaire that I fill out before ordering boxes, I never choose colours or bold/fun shades. I always stick to neutrals. This metallic green will be very difficult for me to pull off, so I’m thinking of giving it to my other co-worker, Amy. I think she likes these fun colours :)

L.A. Fresh makeup removing cloths. Love getting these and often bring them with me when gallivanting away from home. Ie: Perfect for travel.

Big Sexy Hair Volumizing Gel — Tried this out . Had good expectations from this as I loved their hair spray. I’ve been using it for the past week each time I wash my hair (not daily) and it gives my body sustenance. Not so much volume, but thickness if that makes sense. Great, another product for me to love and rave about. ;)

Overall rating for this month’s box: B.
I give it an B because there truly was some great stuff in there. Decent sized hand cream, full sized nail polish. Just because the scent and colours didn’t work for me, doesn’t mean it wasn’t a fantastic box.

Have you ever subscribed to a monthly subscription box?

See my really really old blog posts about the Beauty Subscriptions Comparisions

Sign up for Ipsy (yup, still my referral link) it includes free shipping. Cost: $15CDN / $10USD which includes free shipping for both Canada & USA.


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  1. I signed up in September and just got an email saying I will be receiving the November bag and I couldn’t be more excited lol. It’ll come just in time for my birthday. ;) I actually found your site originally by searching for subscriptions like this that will ship to Canada, google directed me to your original post haha.

  2. im not working right now so i can’t afford these subscriptions plus I’m not really in to beauty products since i have super sensitive skin. i stick to what i know. i would just be excited for the nail polish. i think the colour you got is fantastic!

  3. You got a nice bag – I also subscribe to Ipsy but get a little jealous when I see what others get each month – so much variety!

  4. I’ve been on the waitlist for a few months now and I was super happy to find out a few days ago that I am finally off and will be receiving the November bag! :)

  5. Pingback: ipsy November 2013

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