My computer was doing weird things last night and couldn’t get the outfits of the work week posted on the day I usually like to have them up. Blogger problems — big deal right? The thing being, is that I don’t have a windows machine anymore. The boyfriend installed linux on my computer half a year ago and I remote into my old computer (which is somehow installed in this new one). I really don’t get it. But I remote in, so I can access photoshop and all the fun programs I need. Long story short. Windows wasn’t working. Go figure. He fixed it. So now here’s my outfits ;) ootww

This week I have a lot of fun stuff going on with regards to the blog. See that red Holiday Gift Guide banner to your right? Click on that any time you come to my site, and some of the posts will gift ideas, reviews and a lot with giveaways!

Remember that you can still enter the collaborated giveaway Leanne & I are hosting, only for a few more days. 

NOV-1-giveawayOne winner takes all!

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