Send a sweet wish, get a sweet present

Do you mail out Christmas cards? I have, up until the last year or two. I mostly stay in contact with close friends over Facebook, and my website. That’s about it. I kinda miss getting snail mail!

I do manage to send some adorable cards to my nephews whenever the holidays arise. During Halloween “season”, I sent a dancing music-playing candy-corn card to my nephews back home. Hope they enjoyed it. I sure did, listening to it over and over at the store. I hope I didn’t wear it out before they got it…

I know you’re busy and probably don’t mail out cards either. But philosophy has the right mind set, and is here to help us all out.

send a wishWhy don’t you head over to Philosophy Wishes and send a loved one a (free) sweet holiday wish? I think it’s such a fun idea, plus as more wishes are sent, the number of lights on the holiday tree hosting on the site will increase to show love spreading all over the world. Awww!

Since Philosophy (ahem, and I) are in the giving spirit you’ll receive a free 30ml purity cleanser for sending a wish. Purity: The epitome of all facial cleansers. I will never buy anything else. No joke. I even travel with it, that’s how obsessed with it I am. I’m sure you already know that though. By the way, free samples are limited to the first 2,000 wish senders.

Send your wishes to a friend or family member from November 11 — December 8. On December 9, those who sent sweet wishes will receive an email with a personal voucher to pick up their free gift at select philosophy Hudson’s Bay counters across Canada from December 9 — 19. If you’re not into beauty at all, you can always give the gift to someone you know that will enjoy it. Right? Great thinking on my part, hey? ;)

Omg the gift giving isn’t over yet for this post. You guys, they’re letting me host a giveaway for you all. $125 worth of Philosophy products. Dang girl. You folks are lucky. The loot, you will win:Philosophy-Sweet-Wishes

·   240ml purity 3-in-1 cleanser ($26 value)

·   living grace discovery set ($45 value)

·   the fruitcake mix ($33 value)

·   sweet fluffy cupcake ($21 value)

 That Living Grace set is the stuff I put on my body each and every day. I’m on my second gift set. Can you believe I used up that entire perfume? Proof.

Please note that this contest is not available to residents of Quebec.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I sent a wish, giveaway was over, but I am sure my mom will like the little msg anyways. I am most excited to try the 3-1 cleanser. I am still on the hunt for the perfect cleanser for my skin!

  2. I’m so excited for this! Faaaa la la la la! Its hard to say but I’d probably try Purity cleanser first, my skin is always a struggle.

  3. Definately the Living Grace set, I’ve never tried it. I did just purchase a holiday Philosophy set from Sephora (for myself), but it was all skincare : )

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