Sephora VIB haul

My Sephora online order finally came in. I went shopping in the store but ended up wanting to buy a big ol’ size bottle of the Purity cleanser. I heard that it came with a pump if you got the largest one. But mine didn’t end up shipping with one. So maybe they don’t do it anymore?

I had just gotten back from my girls weekend down in the USA and the next few days later, Sephora e-mails us VIB card-holders telling them we get 20% off anything and everything. Well goodie. I saved some dollars down in the states buying a few things. But I could save a lot more buying even MORE stuff from the sale. So that’s exactly what I did.Sephora-VIB-sale

I had nothing on my list to buy. But I certainly went out and got a lot of things for something I didn’t really need. Oops?

Alfie kinda likes Sephora too.

Hey, I blame it on the fact that Sephora rarely has sales so I need to stock up when it’s good. Thankfully I have my credit card all paid off from my trip, this unexpected Sephora shopping spree, and my clothing steamer. I need to Christmas shop for OTHER people. I’m usually way ahead of the game. As in 11 months in advance I already have their gifts either bought, or picked out. Yes, I am that person and I am not afraid to admit it. Clearly.

I still have no idea what I’m going to get Scott for Christmas. Nothing tops last year’s gift with a surprise trip to Quebec City. What the hey am I going to get him this year? Things are up in the air, and I’m being vague I know but I can’t get him something concrete.

Wait. Wasn’t this post supposed to be about my Sephora VIB haul? Let’s get to it. I got a little out of control and my shopping basket was way out of hand. But I’m 100% pleased (as any shopper would be) with my purchases and I do not have buyers remorse. So that’s pleasant.

My purchases!vib-sale

  • Purity 240z cleanser
  • 100 pt perk Ultra Repair Cream
  • Dior Crème de Rose lip balm
  • Estée Lauder Double Wear foundation
  • L’Occiane hand cream
  • Philosophy Peppermint Stick shampoo/shower gel/bubble bath
  • Buxom mascara
  • Dior mascara
  • Clarins facial self tanner

Did you buy anything at the Sephora VIB sale?

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  1. I spent far too much money at Sephora during the VIB sale. If I hadn’t been Rouge before, I definitely would be after those few days. :P

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