Weekend Recap

Hope everyone had a decent weekend! What did you all do?

I’ve been keeping comfortable with many hot teas, Netflix on my Nexus 7 (from Staples!) curled up in bed. Reading blogs and watching movies in bed all day? I could do that. Wait. I did. All weekend long. Oof! nexus7-on-my-bed

It’s been a long weekend over here for me. The Guy is finally back in town, and we are now sick together. I’m on the mend, he’s just now getting it.

On Thursday I stayed home because I coughed up a lung or two the night before. Friday I had to go into work to get some more stuff done before our big annual general meeting coming up in a few days. It’s like organizing a wedding (like I’d know all about that lol). And I’m doing it all on my own. I was in for about half the day, then my boss sent me home because I was probably spreading germs everywhere. So it was an extra extra long weekend for me.

I bailed on heading to Toronto yesterday, to meet up with Leanne, because I didn’t want to be hacking all day long and not enjoy the day. Plus I had to last minute cancel on a fun Make Up For Ever event. I really hate it when people cancel on me, so I hated doing so. But my Mom was right, when I talked to her earlier this weekend. I needed to stay in and get rid of this head cold, chest cold. Whatever it is.

Since I was feeling pretty grubby after a rough week (of coughing and holding in my ribs) I decided to fancy my toes up a little bit. Especially because it’s been longer than I’d like to admit since I had a pedicure last. Had an appointment for Friday, but had to call and cancel that too. touch-of-twinkle-china-glaze

I’m not fond of bright colours like these on my finger nails, so as always I reserve the fun colours for my toes, because my nail beds are the size of a childs. Any guesses as to what polishes I used? I’d rather not show you the paint job since I paint like a grade 1 kid trying to colour in between the lines, and I have climber-feet.

The Touch of Twinkle trio of China Glaze polishes is available on Nail Polish Canada. I was sent these to review— but I also bought Tend Skin on their site last week and it arrived in 2 business days… with a lollipop. Heck yeah they know how to keep me as a customer. Mmm candy. china-glaze-trio

L-R: Be Merry Be Bright, Just Be-Claws, Santa Red My List. I went for the deep red as a base, and the sparkly colour on top. Super festive and cute!

Now I’m going off to make some breakfast for the Boyf and I. Maybe blueberry scones or something. I’m not sure yet but I always seem to need a recipe in order to cook something, do you guys? Even my own recipes, haha! Conveniently enough I prop up my tablet in the kitchen and bring up my recipes page to get everything just so. No recipe books required. asus-nexus7I’ll have to give you guys a review on my Nexus 7 tablet soon. The screen resolution is so much more crisper than my almost 3 year old iPad and the Boyfriends blackberry PlayBook.

Do you have a tablet? How often do you get pedicures, go shopping or cook at home? Answer one or all four :)

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