My bingo wearing boots

Having a tablet is quite dangerous and so convenient all at the same time, let me tell you.

Dangerous as I carry it into bed, ‘browsing’ online stores turns into full fledged shopping. Rash decisions are made and purchases are bought. But it’s so convenient, and light weight compared to a laptop or duh… a computer. Like I’d carry that around in my lap all day.

I just got a check up at my Doctor’s office since I haven’t had one in about 6 years. I know. Bad. I never go because I’m never sick, and her office is all the way out in Guelph. It’s far!

While I was in the waiting room, rather than flicking through those dirty germy magazines from 5 years ago, I brought my tablet. I didn’t take photos of myself using it in the quiet office. Because my Blackberry makes this loud “kaahcchuhh” sound when I snap a picture. It would’ve been weird. Let’s just imagine, shall we? Here’s a prettier visual than a scary doctor’s

I’ve loaded up my Nexus 7 tablet with a bunch of games to play, when I’m “stuck” in places like the Doctor’s office. Definitely enjoying Candy Crush, and Minion Rush.

My doctor commented on my boots. Made me feel awesome. Do you like them?

I bought these suede Tahari boots a few years ago from Winners (like Marshalls or TJ Maxx) and I’ve kept them in tip top shape and have never dared to wear them once outside, if the weather was iffy. Mind you, the very first time I did wear them I spilled hot chocolate over the toes. Thankfully my Boyfriend is the stain remover king and got it out while I had to sit in the other room, rocking back and forth trying not to pester him asking if the stain came out.

I usually love to pair my fancy heel boots with black pants and fall earth tone colours. I’ve been told that those colours look best on me and I have to agree. ;)

Can’t go wrong with wearing a simple top, with some jeans and these boots! Am I right or am I right? Don’t answer that. Leanne will probably tell me to head to the legion and go play bingo in my cowboy suede boots.

Do you have a favourite article of clothing, or shoes?

What is your favourite season?

What colours do you tend to wear the most?

How often do you shop online?

When’s the last time you saw your Doctor?

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  1. HAHAHAHAHA. My gosh! How did I end up missing this post???? Thaaat’s why you kept saying bingo boots yesterday! I totally didn’t get it! LOL.
    PS, nah, these were are too fancy for the legion b’y! …Unless you have a mullet to match? lol. I kid, I kid…
    Leanne recently posted..Ottawa weekend recap!My Profile

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