Highlights of my weekend

One of my new co-workers came into my office the other day, from one of the other branches and she commented on this one painting I had hung in my office that I did in 2011. Back in December she ended up asking me if it was for sale as it would look good in her little baby girls bedroom. I didn’t want to sell it then — but after a bit of thought, a few days ago I e-mailed her asking if she was still interested in purchasing it and I sold it to her! What do you think? I haven’t painted since I did this last one in 2011. I miss it, I need to start up again.
colourful yellow painting

The Guy got a new pair of Mizuno Wave Prophecy 3’s. The three’s are a new launch for 2014 and he’s super excited to use them. He doesn’t have a gym membership and he sure doesn’t want to take them out in this blizzard we’ve got going on all week, so hopefully he can test run them soon. mizunos

Over the weekend I went to visit my Mom’s Aunt in Guelph. This is a picture of a picture that we took at her daughter’s house in November. There she is featured in all her glory, online! shirley scott nancy

Always need to bundle up for a long drive. I’ve learned that the hard way — getting trapped on the side of the road during the winter is never a fun thing. bundeled up

I chatted with my aunt for an hour or so then her granddaughter (my cousin Vanessa) came for a little visit too.
vanessa and nancy

After a few hours with the fam, I drove back into my end of the woods and hung out with Julie, my coworker! Her Mom (also a co-worker) made us home made chicken burgers, poutine and then ice cream for dessert. They told me that I was the most fun person to feed. ha ha ha!supperdessert

What did you do this weekend?

What did you have for supper?

When’s the last time you got a new pair of sneakers?

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  1. Please be careful about wearing bulky jackets under seat beats! Wouldn’t want you to get hurt in an accident :-(
    Seat belts are much less effective with bulky jackets – it will act like a sheath rather than a hold if that makes sense? Sean knows how to explain it much better than me cos it’s part of his job!
    I can’t remember if I said it on twitter or not … but CONGRATS!!! :-)

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