My Wedding Day Fragrance

We got married THREE months ago. Is that still considered newly-wed status? When do I have to stop calling us newly-weds? Can I do it forever?

Her-RingWhile I don’t regret the six day planned wedding, I did miss out on some fun wedding planning preparations like wearing a bride tank top. I bought it the day before my wedding, at Victoria’s Secret for a silly amount of money, and wore it the day after we got married. Keeping it real.

Our wedding was unexpected by most, but absolutely perfect for us and we both would do it the same way in a heartbeat — no fuss. I’m glad my dress was simple, and I don’t have to savour it in a box forever. I can wear it any time because it’s the perfect kind of dress to wear casually or formally. Right now it’s sitting in a Sephora tote bag. Maybe I’ll wear it this weekend.

The perfume that I wore on my wedding day was a simple choice for me. A fragrance that both myself and Mr. Spiffykerms (love the nickname Nicole gave him) enjoys. It’s no other than Philosophy Living Grace. I bet you’re not one bit surprised. I’m forever lucky that I brought it back home with me, otherwise I’d be scent-free.

Philosophy Living GracePhilosophy describes Living Grace perfectly: living grace spray fragrance was formulated to help center a woman’s mood, is deeply sensuous, multi-sensory and truly a heavenly inspiration. living grace is an ethereal, clean fragrance of fresh neroli to create uplifting feelings of vibrancy, soft, clean lily of the valley brings a sense of gratitude and sensuous, warm musk embraces you to the beauty of living in the present moment each day.

Living in the present moment each day. Exactly what we did in the 6 days planning our wedding, no? Can I just say this was meant for me?

Living Grace is a gorgeous bridal scent. I’ve been a regular fan of this clean fresh scent for a couple of years and I don’t see myself getting tired of it any time soon. I hope they don’t plan on discontinuing it, it’s absolutely wonderful to wear all year round.

Also if you’re interested I did a recap on my Wedding Day Makeup.

What perfume did you (or will you) wear on your wedding day?

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1 Comment

  1. I love the name, Mr. Spiffykerms ;)
    I don’t know if I have ever shared this, but I had a short lead time planning my wedding too (longer than 6 days, but a little less than 6 weeks!). While I have some regrets on things I missed out on or would do differently, I know ultimately it worked out as it was meant to! I’d have stressed about too much, otherwise! :)
    and ps you can say newlyweds at least till like…3 years? right? ;)
    Jill recently posted..Bump Date: 13 WeeksMy Profile

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