We were celebs for an evening

Continuing on the San Francisco adventures, Patrick and I walked through China town just browsing the streets and loved looking up at the beautiful lanterns. China-Town-San-FranciscoCan’t walk by a fancy McDonalds in San Francisco and not photograph it! We debating stopping in for an iced coffee but changed our minds due to the long line. I think it was a touristy area, that and considering the warm weather had people craving something cold to drink most likely.San-Francisco-McDonalds

Next time I pop into the city, I totally want to rent one of these Go Car’s. I’ve never seen such a thing like it. These guys were definitely tourists much like ourselves, and were having a hoot, honking and waving at people walking by. I yelled out to them and they waved. I didn’t catch them looking at me, as their light just turned green. But isn’t this hilarious? Look how tiny it is. It’s GPS guided, so if you haven’t a clue where you’re going – then it’s no problem!GPS-Go-Car

We weren’t too hungry come supper time, and Patrick asked me what I felt like doing. We finished walking through North Beach and my shoes were getting uncomfortable so I wanted to sit down and relax a little more since we walked around the bay area of the city all day long. It was still beautiful outside and we walked through Italy town looking for a patio or a place with tables outside where we could people watch and have some caffeine. We ended up at the Mona Lisa Ristorante.Mona-Lisa-Ristorante

Arriving a little before supper time, we sat down in a table for two under the awning with a heat lamp. We had a basket full of bread with some olive oil and balsamic to dip. We weren’t planning on staying long since we were still full from the lunch and treats we had all day, but we couldn’t turn down a pizza to share at this authentic Italian ristorante. Ehhh mamma mia.

the-mona-lisa-pizzaThe pizza was just pure gold. French cuisine in the mid-morning, then authentic Italian pizza at night? I couldn’t ask for a better way to satisfy my belly. Clearly, the tummy calls a lot of the shots.

Over supper, we were eying up the little Fiat 600 parked out front — as was everyone else walking by. People were photographing it as the seats and even steering wheel were made of WOOD.fiat600

An unforgettable evening as the owner of the restaurant — Mauricio kept coming out, talking to us. Probably because we were the loudest ones in the street. Patrick and I laugh and talk really loud when we’re together.

I think the owner took a liking to me as he complimented my eyes (lol) and taught me a few simple Italian words. Brava was the one he kept using when I said the food was delicioss-ohhh. It was like talking to my Italian co-worker, Julie all over again. I kept saying Ah Bonjourno my friend! ‘Ow are you? He must’ve thought I was a character, but laughed a lot with us. As we were finishing our meals, I noticed the owner setting up a wooden table top in the little car parked out front of the restaurant. I asked him if it was his and he gestured me over to sit in the back of it. Then I asked him to take a photo with me. Ehhhh why not my friend.me-and-owner-of-Mona-LisaThat’s he and I, givin’ a thumbs up! What a sweet car.

dessert-in-a-fiat600Patrick joined in on the fun too.

dessert-menuThat’s when we knew we had to order dessert and eat it in this tiny little car, parked like any other car normally would be. Ha!! The dessert menu had photographs of everything, so it was so difficult to make a final decision on what to order.

dessert-in-a-fiat-600We placed our orders, and ate not exactly in silence. It grew quite a scene around us as it still was a pretty touristy area and like c’mon — who’s ever seen someone eat in front of a restaurant like this in a tiny little fiat? It was hilarious and so awesome. We were laughing SO loud, and SO many people were taking our photos. We definitely drew attention in. Mauricio definitely knows how to market his restaurant that’s for sure.

tall-building-in-san-franSoon after, it was time to walk off all the food we didn’t even plan to eat. Spotted a super tall building that I don’t recall the name of.

downtown-san-franAnd a neat intersection.

The sun set shortly after we left and we were headed to the Castro area of San Francisco.

sparkly-sidewalks-in-San-FranThe streets are so sparkly! Foreshadowing perhaps?

San-Francisco-CastroPatrick took me to a few of his favourite bars in Castro, while we sat down some more mainly watching people dance lol.

san-francisco-muniIt was getting pretty late and I had to definitely catch a train back home before the last one left the city. We took the muni back to his neighbourhood, and I waited for my next train.

buddys-on-the-muniSelfies on the muni!

Man, it was such a fun filled day. I can’t wait to head into the city again and see him one last time before he heads back to Canada. He’s only here until the end of April when he’s done his work term! I popped back on the train and headed home. I was in the city a good 12+ hours, and the day just flew by, because I spent it with an awesome buddy of mine. Thanks for touring me around Patrick, we’ll do it again soon. :)

selfie-on-CaltrainLast selfie of the day, trying to stay awake on the second last train of the night, so I didn’t miss my stop!

Hope you had a fun read :)

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  1. WOW!!!!!!! Looks like you had a marvilisous (not a word, I know) day. Can you send me one of those pizzas? Beautiful pics, Nancy. Love them.

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