How to stay organized when you have a blog

Blogging takes a hard work and many people assume it’s not a huge deal. You must be committed, and organized if you want to blog often. Since I do blog 5 days a week, I need to know what sort of photos I want to take, write the posts, and note when I want them to go live. Not only that, I share everything that goes on my blog, on my social media channels.

When I was working full time, I had to have my schedule down pat. I stayed on top of it all, and I’m going to show you how to stay organized when you have a blog.

STAPLES Upholstered Leather Chair

Work Space

De-clutter your desk, get a comfortable chair to sit in. Once you have any distractions taken away from your work space, you focus more on the task at hand, your blog! My desk is a build-your-own from Ikea, and the chair is from Staples.


Winter and Spring time the weather is usually a little grey so photographs need a little more attention and a little photoshopping to brighten things up. Shooting photos in daylight is ideal and since most people are working or in school during peak times, I used to photograph my blog posts on the weekends.  The light in our current house is best around 1-3pm at the top of stairs on one of the landings.

Writing Your Posts

Whenever an idea pops into my head, I immediately e-mail myself the thoughts, or sit down on the computer to type something into WordPress. Currently I have over 90 drafts of blog posts ideas, where I have 1-3 paragraphs written quickly. This happens on days where my ideas are endless and I can come up with a handful of ideas for potential posts. When I have writers block, I turn to those random thoughts into a blog post.

Social Media

How else will people find a your new blog post? I like to share my posts on Twitter mainly, and sometimes Instagram or Facebook. I schedule my blog posts to go live around 6am California time (Is that called PST? I don’t know) so that I can reach my followers in Newfoundland at a decent hour since they are 4.5 hours ahead. I use HootSuite to schedule my blog posts to go out on Twitter a few times a day.

notebooksStay Organized

My top way to stay organized with my blog posts is write down the blog posts that are going live each day. I prefer the handwritten way but you can easily set up a calendar on your computer too. In the photo above, I have the date written out, the blog post topic and whether or not the post has been scheduled through HootSuite. This has worked for me since 2012, so I continue to do it this way. Bonus, is that you can buy many nice looking notebooks!

Now it’s time for a fun giveaway to my US readers for a piece of Staples office furniture up to $100! Enter the rafflecopter form below, and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received the chair from Staples in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.

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  1. I would love to have a chair like yours, and that would be my pick from! :)
    Now I am realizing how much time I spend sitting on the desk for blogging, and that’s a lot. :o

  2. I like their globes. I have seen them in store. Looking online, it looks like they have super cool floor lamps. I need one of those!

  3. For the Staples office collection, my favorite piece I would love to have is the Altraâ„¢ Chadwick Collection L Desk,

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