This site cracked me up, 100 thoughts we’ve all had while shopping at Sephora. I found it on BuzzFeed last night and thought most of it was pretty true.
68 thoughts we’ve all hand when applying make up is also pretty funny but similar.
Can anyone else attest to that? So funny!
Not so ironically, I was at Sephora today. If I don’t hurry in and hurry out with my intention to only buy the things I had on my list, I definitely get sucked into the Sephora vortex. So many fun things, I find it dangerous to just browse. But they were having the VIB 15% off everything today! I needed go to in, to get the free make up bag with purchase, no? Anyone go in just for free shi- too? I really didn’t even need anything to be honest. But whoaaaa if you’re having a rare sale, I’m in.
So I bought this. So I could have the limited edition make up bag. (Bobbi Brown hand cream was purchased at Macy’s and not Sephora though.)
Dior Nail Glow (French Effect!!)
Caudalie Hand Cream
Bobbi Brown Hand Cream
hehe, oops?
You can take advantage of the sale online too if you’re a VIB, until April 11. Use the code: VIBTICKET upon checkout.
Thanks for linking to those articles. Made my Friday :)
Maybe I will be nicer now since I’ve had some giggles. I’ve been kinda hateful this morning!
Jill recently posted..Goals: April 2014
I dunno about the thoughts, but I’m pretty sure I’ve made those faces!
Anne @ FoodRetro recently posted..Love Letters to the Dead + Giveaway
@Jill: HAHA I read this comment, earlier this morning and it cracked me up. You sound just like me. I hate mornings.
@Anne @ FoodRetro: Lol I was at Sephora yesterday and had all of those thoughts. So accurate it was funny. It happened exactly like the article described.