Another year older

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #FlavorforLess

On May 7 I turned another year older, so I decided to decorate our kitchen table and have a little party.Birthday-SpreadI wasn’t sure what colour to decorate with, but clearly I ended up pulling it together with greys and yellows. Having never drank out of paper straws, I thought I’d pick them up when I saw them at the store as they came in  yellow polka dots — perfect to go with the birthday décor. Those sodas you see front and centre are delicious. When I was at Safeway doing our regular grocery shop, I picked up some new ten calorie sodas in all four flavours available, seeing as they were on sale. My husband and I have a vice, and that is soda. For the most part, we eat/drink healthy and we’ve decided to incorporate these new drinks into our healthier lifestyle, because we still know how to indulge once in a while. I mean, it’s my birthday after all.

They certainly don’t compromise on taste. I’ll be buying them again. Note me and my awkward smile as the husband takes forever to take a photo.  ;)Nancys-Birthday

Backtracking to earlier, I was home alone most of the day, answering birthday phone calls from loved ones. Then the doorbell rang a couple of times — the first being a surprise gift basket from Jessica, filled with so many goodies, from a bottle of wine, to fresh flowers, a birthday banner and a few other things. birthday-banner

So sweet!Flowers

After lounging by the pool and Skyping my parents in the afternoon, I came back home and the doorbell rang again. I had no idea what to expect, but when I answered it — there was a delivery guy handing me a big pizza. The guys at my local pizza place sent me one in the shape of a heart. I thought it was such a genuine gesture for a regular customer like me. You know you frequent a place too often when, hey?my-2014-birthday

I didn’t want to head out to a restaurant on my birthday as I wanted to reserve it for the weekend where we had more time. When my husband got off work, I requested he make us some sliders, and sweet potato fries with a salad. We poured ourselves some of the ten calorie sodas that we bought previously and enjoyed our time together.sliders-and-ten-calorie-drinksAnything food related that comes in miniature form, automatically tastes better in my opinion.

birthday-decorThe birthday spread!

7up-ten-calorie-drink I couldn’t help but buy these peach and hazelnut macaron’s from a french bakery located in Santana Row. I don’t even like them (my husband does) but they were a nice little addition to the decorations, ha! I’m drinking the 7UP ten calorie drink garnished with a slice of fresh lemon and an adorable paper straw that eventually got mushy.

Sunkist-Ten-CalorieAnother close-up of the decorations. Have you tried those sodas? They were on sale for $0.79. Score.

We managed to eat quite a bit of food. I was so full by the end, but definitely made room for dessert. I cannot go a birthday without having a DQ ice cream cake.Nancy-and-Birthday-Cake

We had to go to the other town over to pick one up. That thing was huge, and it’s definitely going to last us a long time. Nancy-with-cake

I had one of the best birthdays yet. I loved all the surprises, and my husband made me dinner (so rare)! So thank you all to those who left sweet birthday comments on facebook, instagram, twitter and here on my site. I read, and appreciated every one of them. Thank you for making me feel so special.

If you want to try out one the four flavors of the ten calorie drinks at any Safeway brand store, there’s a printable coupon for a free 2 litre. The offer is valid from May 12 − May 19, while supplies last. Lastly, you can check out Dr Pepper Snapple Group on their twitter and faceboook.

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  1. Aw, I loved this post!

    The decorations were super cute– great job, Nancy! And super glad you had a great birthday :) too bad I couldn’t be there! Hehe.
    Leanne recently posted..J.Crew Factory HaulMy Profile

  2. Happy belated! I loved the little goodie/food table! So cute. I did not know they have the ten calorie sodas now… don’t think they’re available yet here in Canada but I’ll keep an eye out for them! Sodas are my guilty pleasure as well.

  3. What a sweet birthday celebration!

    I love how you requested sliders, sweet potato fries and a salad. And YES!! DQ cake, the best!! You have it every year? I seriously think I need to start making that my tradition too :P

    I haven’t tried those sodas (do we have them in Canada?) but I’m not a huge pop drinker but 10 cals?! How DO they DO it!
    Amanda @ A.Co est. 1 recently posted..Condo Tour!My Profile

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