BlogHer14 Recap: 1 sentence per picture

Absence certainly does make the heart grow fonder. I don’t get to see too much of The Guy, because during the week day of course I’m home alone as he works — but we both have our own fitness schedules. He has to train for his upcoming triathlons, and I’m always climbing, going to the gym, or doing yoga. The only time we truly get to spend together is on Saturday and Sunday, and this past weekend I headed off to BlogHer’14. It was a great event, but I definitely missed my husband. How cheesy do I sound right now? Tell me. C’mon.

I have a boat load of photos to show you from the conference, so instead of writing about it, I’ll show you mainly in photos with a sentence or two underneath each picture. That’s cool, right?

BlogHer-EppaSangria1 Eppa sponsored a yoga and sangria event outside the San Jose Museum of Art. White sangria is tasty.

BlogHer-EppaSangria2Whole Foods sponsored a bit of cheese, crackers and nuts. Also got a ton of Soybu hair ties. These ribbon hair ties are the best, so I got as many as I could.

BlogHer-EppaSangria3Sarah, Jessica and I showing our hair tie arm party. The event was hosted outside the San Jose Museum of Art, so it was a pretty nice area, downtown.

BlogHer-day2San Jose palm trees lit up. Photoboming Jessica’s selfie. A flower given to me by Yoplait. Hanging out in the Hairfinity booth.

BlogHer-Famous-PplSaw some famous people: Blogger – Jenny Lawson from The Blogess, and Actor – Kerry Washington.

BlogHer-Khloe-KardashianOh. Khloe Kardashian too, that was cool.

BlogHer14-Khloe-KardashianI was pleasantly surprised at how small she was. Tabloids must photoshop her larger, because she wasn’t bigger than me by any means. I didn’t line up for a photo with her, as I’m not a huge fan or anything. But still wanted to take a snapshot of her. I mean, she IS famous afterall.

BlogHer-CuisinartTruthfully, I’m more excited to see people I’ve made friends with throughout the conference. Including Dan, from Jersey. Having someone you can talk to, connect with, laugh and crack jokes with is far more fun.

BlogHer-Found-My-CanadiansI found my Canadians! Julie, Tiffany, Me, Christine and Sarah.

BlogHer-CDNsMore Canadians! Katie and I had a ton in common. Both lived out east (Her in Halifax, I’m from Newfoundland), both lived in the same area of Waterloo, Ontario. I mean – in 2010 we were living one street away. I know. Get out of town. Small friggen world.

BlogHer-More-CanadiansAnd Katie’s colleague, who is also a Canadian who I forget his name. I do recall it begins with a P. I get so excited when I see people from back home, even if we only met!

BlogHer-foodSome of the food I ate at BlogHer. You wouldn’t believe how many times I went back for a slush from Sonic. I won’t tell.

BlogHer-SonicMy outfits for one of the days. Sonic guy and I. Smiling for Skype.

BlogHer-SelfieBlogHer’14 is in its tenth year, which calls for a Selfiebration. The theme of the conference this year.

BlogHer-Red+WhiteI felt fancy. I’m excited to bring you a blog post soon, about my outfits I wore to BlogHer.

BlogHer-Outfit-shotsTook photos of Jessica too, along with our matching shoes.

BlogHer-McDonalds-SmileMcDonalds sponsored the closing party. Happy Meal face made out of roses? You betcha I was excited about this.

BlogHer-McDonaldsYes, I may have had more than one McDonald’s Happy Meal. I love McDonalds!! I’m yelling that out in the last picture.

BlogHer-McDonalds-ClosingPhotoboming Kelly, Sarah and Marissa‘s selfie. McDonald’s food truck x2, then Sarah and I posing again.

BlogHer-RevRunRev Run from Run DMC DJ’ed, taking us back to the 80’s and 90’s.

BlogHer-McDonalds-PartyMeeting new friends, thanks to McDonalds.

BlogHer-McD-eventModelling my new dress. Decorations. Carla & I (who I met at the Blog Party a few weeks ago).

BlogHer-McD-Jess-NancyJessica and I enjoying Rev Run DJ’ing.

BlogHer-BloggersNew blog friends Sarah, Kelly, Karen, Carla, Ashley, Alyssa (who lives in Tokyo!) and Jessica.


Alyssa and Carla, Jessica and I.

BlogHer’14 was a fun, and I’m so glad I met a few more local bloggers, network with companies, oggle at celebrities, and explore new-to-me products.

This post was created in partnership with McDonald’s. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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  1. Looks like you had a fun time! You have to share where you got that blue floral dress. It’s so cute.

  2. @Ashley @ A Lady Goes West: I wasn’t really planning another recap because I didn’t attend any of the sessions. I feel like blogging sessions once you go to a handful of blog-events are primarily the same, and after I’ve been blogging for 14+ years, I’d rather spend my time meeting new friends, putting faces to brands, discovering new-to-me products, and networking + mingling with people.
    Nancy recently posted..BlogHer14 Recap: 1 sentence per pictureMy Profile

  3. Nancy, it was so great to meet you (and Jess)! Hope to see you guys again sometime. Great post — love all of the pics!

  4. This looks like a blast! I also just moved to Cali with my husband and it can be a little lonely but great to see you are keeping yourself busy :) Blogher looks like such a great event, I’m bummed I missed it!

  5. Such a comprehensive and fun photo recap of the BlogHer conference! I snapped some shots here and there, but mainly for personal & social media, so I don’t have a photo-documentary.

    I loved Dan @ the Cuisinart booth too! I think they were my favs… I love to cook and between them and Breville, my tiny kitchen is overflowing with much-beloved gadgets. :)

    Hope to see you around the bay area sometime!

    lauriel recently posted..Lace and Flannel: Outfit Texture Mixing and LayeringMy Profile

  6. @lauriel: Yep, this is the CommentLuv plugin that I use – I haven’t used anything else so I can’t really compare it to anything. I don’t use Disqus primarily because I didn’t know it existed when installing this and now that I comment on blogs with Disquis, I can’t remember my login and every time it’s different.
    Nancy recently posted..BlogHer14 Recap: 1 sentence per pictureMy Profile

  7. @Lauren: I flew from Ontario Canada, to San Diego for the BlogHer in 2011, and that one was absolutely mind blowing terrific. It’s why I went to this BlogHer – but the one this year was a bit of a let down with regards to the expo, the sponsors and overall look and feel of the conf. There were some pretty memorable sights to see at BlogHer’11, with Hershey’s being one to stick out to me: a huge suite with faux grass & fire, it was like a camping grounds set up where we could all make our own s’mores. It was terrific.

    I didn’t attend any sessions this year, and I’m not sure I’d attend another BlogHer, I’d have to see where the next one will be held :)
    Nancy recently posted..BlogHer14 Recap: 1 sentence per pictureMy Profile

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