What I Ate Wednesday #4

What I Ate Wednesday

My husband and I drink smoothies in the morning for our breakfast, but unfortunately ran out of greek yogurt and I was too lazy to drive to the grocery store to get the one item, so decided to wait it out until we needed more food. So no smoothies were happening yesterday :(

This is a recap of all the food I consumed yesterday for a fourth instalment of What I Ate Wednesday. I love doing these, mainly because I like to see what kind of food everyone seems to enjoy, or not enjoy. I guess we’re all nosey creatures by nature. So let’s jump right into it.

banana8:20am — The Guy woke up earlier than usual to go to work, so I got up with him around 7:30 and helped him gather his things. After he was gone, I ate a banana.

fruit and nut9:20am — I wanted to wait a little longer to have this fruit (1 peach plus a bunch of strawberries) and raw nuts combo, because I knew I’d be going to yoga then climbing, and wouldn’t have much food in my belly until mid-afternoon.

gnocchi3:00pm — Not much left, but I ate some chicken (not pictured as I ate the chicken before photographing) gnocchi pasta that I made the other night. I was craving pizza so bad, since we’ve been eating take out for the majority of the past two weeks. But I decided to stay boring and somewhat healthy and eat my leftovers. So appetizing, I know. I ran out of pasta sauce and decided to make my own concoction of butter, garlic, milk and whatever else I could think of. Tasted good at least.

tea and snacks5:55pm — spotta tea and a snack (chocolate covered raisins, unsweetened dried mango and plantains) while I caught up on YouTube videos.

Ghirardelli7:50pm —More chocolate. My last square of the mini Ghirardelli samples they were giving out at the store in San Francisco.

chickensalad9:45pm — Chicken salad for The Guy and myself.

Questions for you:

Coffee or tea?
Tea or iced coffee for me.

What’s your favourite chocolate brand?

Peanut butter or caramel?
Caramel 100%

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