What I Wore to BlogHer’14: Outfit 2

BlogHer14-Day2-001Today is my Momma’s birthday. I can’t wait to eventually fly home to Newfoundland Canada and see her. Soon. My Mom will be getting a special birthday surprise from me — and I can’t wait to see her reaction when I tell her what she’s getting. No, it’s not a baby.








H&M top, charlotte russe sunglasses
etsy necklace, JC Penny jeans
J Crew heels

Hopefully you liked the first outfit that I put together for the BlogHer’14 conference in San Jose which I posted on Friday. Isn’t my friend Jessica incredibly talented? I feel so fancy posting these outfits. I kind of want her to follow me around constantly taking these sort of photos.

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  1. Gorgeous photos, Nancy! It was so nice to meet you ladies at Original Gravity last week! I need Jessica to take some photos of me — I’m also super awkward in front of the camera

  2. That color looks absolutely gorgeous on you! You really pull of those white linen pants really well! Happy Birthday to your Momma too! <3

  3. @Aussa Lorens: It’s why I never buy expensive white jeans (these were $25-$30 from JC Penny). When doing make-up swatches for my blog a few months ago, I got 3 colours of eye liner from the back of my hand, imprinted into the knee of these jeans while sitting down. I thought they were ruined forever. Thankfully, I took them off immediately (I was home lol) and scrubbed the beejeezuz out of them. Plus, if worse comes to worse, I can always bleach them.
    Nancy recently posted..What I Wore to BlogHer’14: Outfit 2My Profile

  4. Those shoes! I almost bought some similar Nine West ones the other day. After seeing this post I may need to run back to DSW to snag them.

  5. Wow, you’re looking great! The outfit is very nice, like always. You have such a nice taste for clothes, matching each item perfectly.

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