What I Wore to BlogHer’14: The Blue Dress

BlogHer14-Blue-DressI saved this batch of photos for last, because they weren’t taken on anything fancy. These are straight from my BlackBerry Z10, hence the difference in quality from Jessica‘s photos. I still wanted to feature them because this dress received so much attention from people at the blogging conference, and on the blog as soon as I featured it on my BlogHer recap.





anthropologie dress
smart set cardigan, banana republic belt
old navy gold ring, charlotte russe flip flops

Oh this blue dress. I recently purchased it at Anthropologie for the cost of a couple of limbs. Anthro is my favourite store to shop at, but I try not to go inside too often because I want everything I see, and I cannot afford 90% of the things for sale there, except for things on major clearance. Regardless of that, I picked up this dress and immediately had buyers remorse. I left the tags on until the day I wore it, on the final day of BlogHer’14. My oh my, I have to be honest, I have never received so many compliments on an article of clothing I’ve worn. Ever. It made me feel like a million bucks. Women were asking where I got it, some were complimenting my legs (ooo, thanks!), and a man or two stared which boosted the ol’ ego.

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  1. I can see why you had so many compliments, you look gorgeous! I really can’t get over that these were taken on a blackberry! They’ve obviously stepped their game up a bit! At least you know that the dress was a good buy now ;)

    Katie <3
    Katie recently posted..Picnic in the ParkMy Profile

  2. That dress is so pretty on you! Anthropologie is my favorite store!! And I can hardly afford anything in there unless like you said if it is on clearance or for a special occasion. I bought a dress there last month that I am in love with for $140!!

  3. It is a super cute dress, and your legs do look fantastic! I am terrified to go in to Anthropologie, though it always smells so amazing as I walk past… why is that??

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