Thinking Out Loud Thursday #6

I’m not sure what has me in a funk this week, but my bad day turned into a bad week, unfortunately. As much as I like to keep my blog positive and try not to dwell on the not so nice things going around, sometimes it’s nice to hear a blogger talk about how everything isn’t always perfect. Because it’s not.

I had a major dental procedure done on Tuesday and again this morning which I think is the primary cause of all my grief this week. My teeth are sore, I’m feeling miserable and one of my new fixin’s feels like I have this huge cavity when I bite down sometimes. I immediately called the Dentist when the local anaesthetic wore off, but he seemed to convince me it’s normal for my nerves all up in there to feel sore. If it’s the same in 2 weeks, we’re going to discuss it again. Says he. Luckily I have a sympathetic husband and he brought home all sorts of soft foods for me to eat, which I thought was kind. Chocolate pudding, Alphaghetti, Chicken soup, bananas and mashed potatoes! Keeper.

I’m exciting for the numbing to wear off my mouth, because later on today I’m driving to San Francisco to attend a POPSUGAR Select event, are any of you going?

Anyway, since that’s all out in the open and it’s been a few months since I did a Thinking Out Loud Thursday post, so I thought I’d jump back into it once again.

roses1. When I arrived back to California, The Guy greeted me with roses, food and drink when he picked Alfie and I up. You know he missed us when!

sunglasses2. While I was in Newfoundland, I stocked up on three more pairs of mirrored sunnies from Ardene. I love their 3 for $15 deal. I can’t justify paying hundreds of dollars for sunglasses, since I always seem to SIT on mine. I don’t know how it happens.

club-sandwich-sweet-potato-3. My first day back to California, Jessica and I headed out to Mountain View for a blogging meet-up. I got this massive sandwich — sandwiches for days even, with sweet potato fries. It wasn’t all that good to be honest.

Alfie-sit4. I think Alfie is happy to be back in California!

5. One of The Guy’s old coworkers from Canada moved down to the area with his wife (Mary Pam) and child. His wife and I know the same people… (get this)… in NEWFOUNDLAND. I mean, come on world, how much smaller can we get? So awesome. Mary Pam, her baby and I hung out for over four hours earlier this week! We had so much fun and I found a new-to-me place in Sunnyvale that sells the most delicious iced coffee I’ve had in my entire life. So much so I’ve already been back to have it again. There goes another three bucks!

Nephews6. Missing these sweet faces already.

Nintendo-Wii-U7. I won a Nintendo Wii U from the BlogHer closing party #McDBlogHer! I love you McDonald’s. It arrived when I was in Newfoundland, so luckily The Guy was home to accept the delivery.

How has your week been? Any plans for the weekend?

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  1. Sounds like just writing this blog post took you out of your funk! Have a fun weekend! Miss seeing you around the neighbourhood! XO

  2. I’m in a little bit of a funk too this week! Not sure what is going on but good thing tomorrow is already Friday :) I think I will participate in this link up next Thursday!

  3. Yay for yummy eats! And a few other things I can’t help but mention 1. Love the vase those gorgeous flowers are in…West Elm? 2. I had a bad day turned into a bad week as well, ugh! I hate funk like that! Hip, hip hooray for weekends! 3. Good luck with the rest of your transition in Cali!
    Yalanda @ Laugh Anyway recently posted..Friday Round Up: ConfessionsMy Profile

  4. I love Ardene’s so much! No real plans for the weekend, my husband is working so we’ll just be hanging out at home I think! Have fun at the POPSUGAR event!

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