A day on the trails

Day-on-the-trails-headerHow has your week been? I always like to say it’s Friday Junior on a Thursday because — isn’t it?  Does anyone have exciting plans this weekend? I’m bringing you a post today about our weekend that just passed.

The Guy is training for a marathon in December, so while he went on his weekly 30km run I ended up going to yoga and then bouldered for about an hour after the class. Once we got our exercise out of the way we made up a delicious lunch for ourselves. This was a toasted tuna bagel sandwich with the freshest strawberries I have ever eaten. I posted about on Instagram a while ago, but we pretty much mimicked the same deal for a quick bite before heading out for the day. bagel-sandwich-with-tuna

The Guy and I spent our weekend on the trails, and scoped out the Stevens Creek Dam and Reservoir which is looking pretty dry, unfortunately due to the drought. We packed some snacks (vitamin waters and clif bars) because I cannot stand being away from home without being able to eat for a few hours.Tony-Look-Trail



















When we got home, I made us some cod flounder-au-gratin (it tastes pretty good with any white fish, really) which is always a hearty meal to come home to after a long day. You can easily whip this up before/after your big ol’ day: pop it in the oven for thirty minutes and you got yourself one awesome meal. A tip for when you’re strapped for time is to have your veggies or produce cut up and sealed in tupperware containers right when you buy them. I know when I’m tired I don’t feel like cutting up a pepper or a few mushrooms for a healthy salad. This was super quick to put together!Cod-au-gratin-and-salad

30 minute Cod au gratin recipe:

  • White fish, ½ can of mushroom or cream of celery soup, 1 tsp dry mustard (or mustard/dijon), salt + pepper and 1½-2 cups mild cheddar cheese.
  • Mix all together and pour over fish. Top with bread crumbs if you want (I like to use panko crumbs). Then dress it up with whatever herbs (Italian seasoning is my go-to).
  • Bake 350° for 30 minutes.

Grocery shopping on the weekends isn’t the top of my priority list — I usually reserve that for the weekdays when The guy is at work. Weekends are the only time I get to really spend with my husband as he works long hours. The Guy and I are known for going long stretches without eating a proper meal so to combat that issue (because: hangry) I like to plan ahead and if I know we’re going to be out all day long I can either bring along snacks, prep our meals ahead of time or take food out of the freezer and have leftovers.

Walmart asked me if I wanted to try out their Walmart Grocery delivery service and supplied me with a gift card to make the initial purchase. Of course I’m going to say yes. The Guy loves Walton’s Mart (his nick name for it) so I stocked up on a ton of pantry items, meat, cheese, the regular things one would usually get when they buy groceries. But I also threw in a few goodies and healthy snacks for taking along when we go on hikes or day excursions while we discover all that California has to offer us. All the photos with delicious food in them were from the Walmart haul. The great thing about the delivery service is that if we ever needed to buy groceries on the weekend, they can be delivered straight to our house before we even get ready for the day so I can spend quality time with my husband, instead of waiting on him while he picks out a cereal in the crowded aisles. There’s only so much patience a woman has in the run of a day ;)

How often do you explore your city?

Have you ever tried a grocery delivery service?

What’s your favourite go-to quick meal to make for supper?

Disclaimer: Walmart-to-go provided me with a gift card to try out their delivery service.

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  1. I love hiking. I took the kids out into the woods at our state park the other day and we ended up getting lost LOL.

  2. What type of yoga are you practicing? I”m also about to start my regular yoga classes and I’m excited! The toasted tuna bagel sandwiches with the strawberries looked really delicious and healthy!

  3. What a fab day you had. I love getting outside and being surrounded by nature, it’s great to get fresh air. Your dog is so cute too :)

  4. I love the dog whom is so adorable. This would be an awesome walk indeed with all the beautiful scenery. The food looks amazing too. Thanks for sharing.

  5. That’s awesome, Nancy! Great minds think alike :) We do a lot of exploring in our own area as well! I’ve started a series about it, which I think you’ve actually read. Isn’t it a great way to stay excited, inspired and fit? Especially if you’re a travel junkie like me, whose feet start to get itchy after too long in the same place! Looks like where you are is a tad bit warmer than here in BC, Canada at the moment though!
    Michelle Webber recently posted..Backyard Series: Jug Island Beach TrailMy Profile

  6. The pictures are so fun. I have never tried a grocery delivery service. I think it would be great for my mom though, who doesn’t like to go out in the snow.

  7. What a lovely day! And your doggy is too cute. We love to explore Portland now that we have our dog, Sadie. It’s definitely a fresh perspective with a new dog in tow! When we get home after a long day out and need a quick dinner, I usually throw together a pasta dish like Kale + Sausage Orichiette or fix baked salmon over rice. Yum!
    Maryn recently posted..{our weekend} let it SNOW!My Profile

  8. Wow I didn’t know that Walmart offered that type of service how cool! I will def have to check it out because I am not a grocery store person. Like you, it’s the last thing I want to do on the weekend.

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