POM Friday . 5

It’s Friday and you know what that means! Alfie makes his weekly appearance for Pomeranian Friday.

Here’s a flashback to Summer 2013 when I took Alfie to a course to get our dogs comfortable in the water. He’s hangin’ out on a surf board! Going to keep this short and sweet as always, and let the photos of Alfie do the talking. Enjoy your weekend folks!Alfie and 2 dogs

Me and Alfie surf

Dogs on surf board

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    1. @Andi: I thought so too, until I was told many dogs do not know how to swim properly and will wear themselves out trying to survive doing the “dog paddle”. Apparently dogs should swim on their bellies as opposed to being upright (which takes more energy). We not only taught them to swim (holding their bellies horizontal with the water), but to show them where to exit the water. It’s especially crucial to teach a dog to swim, if you have a home with a pool in the backyard, and not only to swim – but to teach him/her where to exit and enter the water.

      We learned quite a bit that afternoon! Alfie loves jumping in the empty bathtub, but still hates the water.
      Nancy recently posted..POM Friday . 5My Profile

      1. @Nancy: That is so fascinating. One of the places I lived in growing up had a pool, our dog never went in (that I can remember) I guess we were just lucky on that one! Then the dog I had with my first hubby was a lab who loved the water, guess it came natural to that breed. I definitely have a new awareness to this phenomena now!
        Andi recently posted..Saturday Six #133My Profile

    1. @Angie Scheie: Haha I think fear of falling in the water froze them! You should’ve seen the look they were giving one another when one moved. It was like watching a group of people glare at one another for disturbing the boat. Super funny.
      Nancy recently posted..POM Friday . 5My Profile

  1. Omg I literally can’t you know how obsessed I am with Alfie – he is just gorgeous. I can’t wait till Ben and I get a pomeranian of our own (or two!) It’s going to happen in the next couple of years and I’m just buzzing with excitement for it!

    Katie <3
    Katie Matthews recently posted..The Camel RideMy Profile

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