23 hours door to door, and we’re back!

Well, after some radio silence on the blog — we’re back in California after a lot of flight delays, 1 cancellation and many many flight changes. The Guy and I were supposed to fly back from Newfoundland to California on January 5, but our luck of the draw there was a snow storm, which cancelled our flight as soon as we went through security, waiting at our gate for the flight. I thank our lucky stars we have our family directly located in St. John’s, so it wasn’t like we had to travel too long to get to the airport unlike some other poor ol’ souls.

Newfoundland is coldStating the obvious: Newfoundland was cold.

January 10 was the earliest we could get out of St. John’s. Without making the story boring and long winded, American Air co-shares their flights with WestJet and it was the earliest one available that we could get on, with Alfie, and with it in a one day trip flying to San Francisco. Our flight coming back to California was laughable by the end of it. The entire trip door-to-door from Newfoundland to California took us 23+ hours. It was rough going, especially travelling with Alfie. We took good care of him, especially with the 9 hour stop over in Toronto taking him outside his kennel to piddle, eat and drink in the family washroom since we were through security/customs. He was a fantastic little trooper, the little guy didn’t cry or bark the entire time. I think he had it rough going, being in his kennel for so long. Let me tell you, he was some happy to be home in our California home. Free reign!

We’re so glad to be back in the California warmth, and after a good nights sleep on Saturday night, we woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed only to realize our heat wasn’t working, 17°C/63°F (inside) has never felt so cold. I’m heading over to the office this morning to ask the management if they can fix that for us again. We had them coming in on December 22 or 23 to fix it, but clearly it still doesn’t work, and who wants to really call someone in on Christmas Eve to fix your heat? Especially since we were leaving for Canada the next few.

I checked our mail box yesterday and it was overflowing with parcels and of course bills and flyers. To give you a preview of what I’ll be blogging about within the next little while, I snapped this photo on Instagram of our nice surprises.

I’ll be back to regular blogging later this week! It’s good to be back :)

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  1. So glad you are back! 23 hours sounds HORRIBLE. I couldn’t imagine. Poor little Alfie too, I’m glad to hear he was so great though! I’m so jealous of all your travelling but not sure I would like it taking so long and all the delays. Glad you are back to normalicy now though. Bet it feels great – and warm haha.
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  2. I hate trips like that were every thing goes wrong! So glad you had family to stay with there instead of having to pay for a hotel in St Johns! I would be so excited for the warmth in California after New Foundland!! Good luck settling back in to the routine that is always the worst after traveling!
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  3. Yikes that sounds like no fun! Your poor pup :( Sounds like he was a champ though… no barking? That’s impressive. I’m pretty sure my dog would have gone crazy in that situation. It’s always nice to get home after a trip, I hope you have a great week getting settled back in at home :)

  4. If you can find a store in the area that sells Veet you gotta let me know! I can’t find it anywhere!!

    Glad you are back in the Bay…where you belong!! hahaha

  5. What a trip! Missed and cancelled flights – especially during the holidays – are no fun at all! Glad you are back home after such a lengthy trip back. Hopefully you get some time to rest and rejuvenate before jumping back into the swing of things.

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