Coffee. Running. Makeup. Sleep.


  1. It’s been a while since I checked out a new-to-me coffee place and told you guys about it. It was supposed to be a semi-monthly series, to find some really great stand alone coffee shops with really cool vibes. I’m going to one tomorrow, but for safety reasons I don’t want to tell you where I went, until after I’m back home. Ha! However, the next one I want to go to is called 85°C, it’s in Cupertino. I’ll give you the run-down whenever I get a chance to pop in.
  2. The Guy and I have been running regularly. It’s rare that I’m in the mood for a run, but I’m enjoying the distraction of the length of the run when The Guy and I bring Alfie along, and I have to make sure he doesn’t launch in front of me when something scares him on the road. I only like to bring our dog once a week for a long run (for him), because I don’t want his little legs to get sore. We are amping him up slowly! This weekend past I had the urge to run both on Saturday and Sunday, can you even believe I initiated both times? Me neither, and each time was 6+km (that’s over 3.7km for the people who speak in miles). I speak in kilometers still, because let’s be honest — in kilometers sound like I’ve ran further than I did in miles. Ha!
  3. I’m thinking of creating another weekly feature on the blog. On Fridays as you know I feature our Pomeranian, hence the name POM Friday’s. I would like to blog about beauty products weekly. Something like Beauty Talks Tuesday. Does that sound dumb, or no? The name of the series, I mean. I’ve been trying to come up with a name and I’m stuck.
  4. I tweeted this out yesterday, but I am way too excited to only tweet. It needs to be blogged about. The Guy and I are upgrading our double sized bed that we’ve had for 9.5 years, and we are upgrading it to a Beautyrest KING SIZED BED. I will have all the room to sprawl out. Now the only thing I have to think of now, is bedding ideas.

Let me know something random going on in your life.

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  1. I had a pom for 14 years until he went up to heaven. They are my favorite breed, but I just can’t bring myself to get another one.

  2. I am only good at working out/walking/jogging when I take my dog with me. She keeps me distracted and I love how happy she is to be out with me. Also, a beauty series would be awesome! I am always looking for new posts on beauty products!
    Chelsie recently posted..Big News + A Giveaway!My Profile

  3. Me and the guy are not yet sharing a home but i have a double and he has a king which i love so you guys will definitely love the king. The name of the beauty series sounds great to me.

  4. The bed is coming!!! YAY!!!

    I used to go to 85c in SoCal a lot but the lines were insane. I don’t know if the layout is the same but usually there is a shorter line just for drinks instead of the pastry line. I love their boba milk tea and their sea salt coffee.

    I love the idea of a new weekly post. You should do a lot of makeup reviews on Beauty Talk Tuesday!

  5. We have a kIng sized bed and love it. I couldn’t imagine going any smaller now that we have had such a large bed.

  6. I’m just not organised enough to have a section per day. I kind of want to try and organise this for this year so I have a beauty a fashion a food post on consecutive days and keep a weekly schedule!

    Pom Fridays are my favourite day of the week!

    Katie <3
    Katie recently posted..The Meat CoMy Profile

  7. I have a queen size bed and I love the coziness of it. there’s nothing bad about the King size only that I’ll have to buy new sheets. By the way, Your dog looks so cute.

  8. Oh what I’d do for a king size bed. lol.

    Something random… Um. I just found out I’m addicted to Nesquik’s Caramel Coconut chocolate milk. And I don’t really drink milk. LOL. So not good.
    Erin recently posted..#fabulousfoodieswapMy Profile

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