What I Ate Wednesday #7

Thank you so much for your awesome comments on yesterdays Beauty Talk Tuesday post. The photos took a long time to take (making sure they were all in focus because: tripod), edit and put together in photoshop. Since many of you had commented saying you enjoyed the layout of the post, I will continue to style the photos that way when talking beauty related products, so thanks again!

Today we’re jumping back into another What I Ate Wednesday. Mmm, food. My favourite.

What I Ate Wednesday
google-tea-egg-bagel8:50a //Pretty proud of my $7 Google purchase. A black and white mug perfect sized for my cuppa tea in the a.m. Along side, toasted everything bagel with bell pepper, mushrooms, cheese and tomatoes. Spread was mayo + chipotle mayo. All the fat. All the tasties.

lunch-snack-plate12:40p // Because when you want a lot of things but are too lazy to cook all the things, you make a delicious snack plate for lunch. Here we have a honey crisp apple, grapes, raspberries, strawberries (that were gross and crunchy so I decided to freeze them for smoothies), homemade cheese crackers, plantains, coconut flakes, pea things, homemade raw trail mix, hummus and crackers.

3pm-snack4:05p // Coffee date with my Canadian friend!

salmon-supper8:25p // I overcooked the salmon. Still good though. Seasoned with Mrs. Dash original, and a sliver of lemon. On the side, a baked russet potato (smothered with butter and garlic), carrots, cauliflower and a silly little spinach salad. So healthy.

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  1. Well, you ate way better than I did. I downed an entire pizza for lunch with some Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups for dessert.

  2. Soooo, I’m coming to visit. Yep, not sure when but I’m coming you can teach me everything you know about shopping, photo taking and just everything! Your photos always look awesome and this food looks sooo good. Also never had a macaroon? If that’s what that is.. What does it taste like?
    Jeanine recently posted..Anthrodesk Adjustable Laptop Stand ReviewMy Profile

  3. I like these exact types of meals – fast, tasty, easy and good for us – I just discovered bean tostada type of chips instead of the bread snacks and loving it! Thank you for your ideas :)

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