POM Friday . 15

I like to give Alfie a haircut approximately every 4-6 weeks. He hasn’t had one since before Christmas, so he was overdue. I like to suck up to him, giving him tons of belly rubs so he’s in a good mood before we head out on the patio and start trimming away. He’s a patient dog when it comes to his hair however, it’s not the hair cut parts he is afraid of, it’s the nail trimming that comes immediately after. I don’t blame him, poor fella. Sometimes I nick his cuticles and make him bleed. It’s hard to tell where his quick ends with his dark nails. Luckily his yearly vet appointment is coming up, so I will ask them to trim his nails next time we head in.

Lucky for him he knows if he behaves he gets a really good treat once I’m done with him. For now, enjoy the many faces of Alfie as I break out the scissors to give him a trimmin’. Alfie-Smiling








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  1. He is adorable in either cut! And, good for you, keeping up with it – I have 3 dogs that I need to at least come out every week – but it just hasn’t been happening – 2 weeks ago I started the routine again….so you’ve reminded me! :)
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  2. Alfie is such a cutie, he always looks like he’s smiling! He looks great after his haircut. The colours in his fur are so lovely.

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