POM Friday . 19

Alfie-looking-upHere I was yesterday photographing some beauty products at the top of the stairs with my perfect little set up with the best kinda sunlight coming in through the window. Mr. Man over here decided he wanted none of that, and all the attention on him. So he got right involved with getting in the way, pawing at me, and making whimpering noises. I couldn’t ignore that cuteness. So yea, he’s a little more than spoiled, but he’s our little buds!

Alfie-cuddleThe lighting is a bit off (and pic is pixelated) because the front facing camera on the Blackberry isn’t as good as the regular side. But I had to capture this shot of my little puppa cuddlin’ me. He was craving attention since I was focused on snapping pictures for the blog and instagram. Funny little fella hey. The people that know Alfie in person find it so hard to believe he’s actually affectionate and cute. Because out in public he’s a wild beast!

Alfie-laying-downAll nonchalant like he doesn’t even know I am there trying to work on my beauty pictures.




Alfie-cuddlesHe’s actually smiling! HAHAHAHAHAA.

Makeup-pic-for-blogOh, and here’s the instagram picture I was trying to snap while he was getting right up in my face. :) I was testing out the new YSL mascara that was sent to me in an Influenster Vox Box for testing purposes. Side note: why do all YSL products SMELL so good?! I’ve used this mascara before, and it’s great for both volume and lengthening, but it’s really pricey so I’ve only bought it once. You know, you can sign up for Influenster for free too if you use social media. You get all sorts of free goodies in the mail to test out. Here is my referral link. I have no idea what I get out of it if you sign up, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to use it. Or not. Lol.

Have a great weekend! What are your plans?

Disclaimer: I received these products (YSL Mascara) complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.

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  1. He is too cute. My pom was black, which is a little more rare, and I miss him every day.

  2. This mascara sound like something I would love to try because I need the volume and the length for my eyelashes. I will have to check it out indeed,. I love your lil dog indeed. He reminds me of my sister’s old dog Ralph which looked just like your lil one.

  3. awwww his so adorable look at his cute smile, he looks like a very very happy puppy. Great beauty pic, love the set up and end result looks awesome.

  4. Awwwwww what a cutie!!!! Such a happy pooch!!! And I have that mascara as well!!! Absolutely love it. One of my favorite things Influencer has sent me!

  5. oh my goodness he is cute!!!! we have a really big dog, but my daughter has been bugging me for a little one like this. i’m sure she will win one day. I love small dogs too.

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